#!/bin/bash begin=$(date +"%s") # saner programming env: these switches turn some bugs into errors set -o errexit -o pipefail -o noclobber -o nounset source="-" dest="-" convert=false verbose=2 bitrate=192 help=false temp="/tmp/converted" convertart=false coverartsize=200 CheckDeps() { if [[ $1 == 0 ]]; then # Check getopt ! getopt --test > /dev/null if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 4 ]]; then VerboseOutput 5 "\`getopt --test\` failed" VerboseOutput 5 "Sorry, It seems that your shell is not supported" VerboseOutput 5 "If you're using MacOS or another unix-like system, please install GNU getopt" ExecTime exit 1 fi VerboseOutput 0 "\`getopt --test\` succeeded" fi if [[ $1 == 1 ]]; then # Check ffmpeg if [[ $convert == true && ! $(ffmpeg -h 2>/dev/null) ]]; then VerboseOutput 5 "\`ffmpeg -h\` failed" VerboseOutput 5 "Sorry, It seems that ffmpeg is not installed on your system" VerboseOutput 5 "Please install ffmpeg from your repositories and make sure it is available in your \$PATH" VerboseOutput 5 "Otherwise disable conversion" ExecTime exit 1 fi VerboseOutput 0 "\`ffmpeg -h\` succeeded" # Check EyeD3 if [[ $convertart == true && ! $(eyeD3 --version 2>/dev/null) ]]; then VerboseOutput 5 "\`eyeD3 --version\` failed" VerboseOutput 5 "Sorry, It seems that eyeD3 is not installed on your system" VerboseOutput 5 "Please install eyeD3 from your repositories and make sure it is available in your \$PATH" VerboseOutput 5 "Otherwise disable albumart conversion" ExecTime exit 1 fi VerboseOutput 0 "\`eyeD3 --version\` succeeded" # Check ImageMagick if [[ $convertart == true && ! $(convert --version 2>/dev/null) ]]; then VerboseOutput 5 "\`convert --version\` failed" VerboseOutput 5 "Sorry, It seems that ImageMagick is not installed on your system" VerboseOutput 5 "Please install ImageMagick from your repositories and make sure it is available in your \$PATH" VerboseOutput 5 "Otherwise disable albumart conversion" ExecTime exit 1 fi VerboseOutput 0 "\`convert --version\` succeeded" fi VerboseOutput 1 "Dependency test OK" } GetOptions() { # https://stackoverflow.com/a/29754866 OPTIONS=s:d:t:c::a::v::h LONGOPTS=source:,dest:,temp:,convert::,resize-art::,verbose::,help # -use ! and PIPESTATUS to get exit code with errexit set # -temporarily store output to be able to check for errors # -activate quoting/enhanced mode (e.g. by writing out “--options”) # -pass arguments only via -- "$@" to separate them correctly ! PARSED=$(getopt --options=$OPTIONS --longoptions=$LONGOPTS --name "$0" -- "$@") if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]]; then # e.g. return value is 1 # then getopt has complained about wrong arguments to stdout Usage exit 2 fi # read getopt’s output this way to handle the quoting right: eval set -- "$PARSED" # now enjoy the options in order and nicely split until we see -- while true; do case "$1" in -v|--verbose) verbose=2 if [[ $2 != "" ]]; then verbose=${2} shift fi shift ;; -h|--help) help=true shift ;; -s|--source) VerboseOutput 0 "--source given." VerboseOutput 1 "Source is ${2}" source="$2" shift 2 ;; -d|--dest) VerboseOutput 0 "--dest given." VerboseOutput 1 "Destination is ${2}" dest="$2" shift 2 ;; -t|--temp) VerboseOutput 0 "--temp given" VerboseOutput 1 "Tempfolder is ${2}" temp="$2" shift 2 ;; -c|--convert) VerboseOutput 0 "--convert given" convert=true bitrate=192 if [[ $2 != "" ]]; then bitrate=${2} shift fi VerboseOutput 1 "Converted bitrate is ${bitrate}" shift ;; -a|--resize-art) VerboseOutput 0 "--resize-art given" convertart=true coverartsize=200 if [[ $2 != "" ]]; then coverartsize=${2} shift fi shift VerboseOutput 1 "Album art will ${coverartsize}px wide" ;; --) shift break ;; *) VerboseOutput 5 "Programming error" return 3 ;; esac done if [[ ! -z "${1+x}" ]]; then if [[ ${source} != "-" ]]; then VerboseOutput 4 "Source provided twice. Continueing with ${1}" fi source="$1" VerboseOutput 1 "Source is ${1}" fi if [[ ! -z "${2+x}" ]]; then if [[ ${dest} != "-" ]]; then VerboseOutput 4 "Destination provided twice. Continueing with ${2}" fi dest="$2" VerboseOutput 1 "Destination is ${2}" fi if [[ $dest == "-" ]] || [[ $source == "-" ]]; then help=true fi VerboseOutput 1 "Checks OK. Going on" } Usage() { echo "" echo "Usage:" echo "music-sync -s|--source -d|--dest " echo "music-sync " echo "" echo "Syncronises music from one folder to another." echo "" echo "Options:" echo " -s, --source The source folder of the music" echo " -d, --dest The destination folder of the music" echo " -t, --temp The temporary cache for converted files (default: /tmp/converted)" echo " -c, --convert Convert files to a given bitrate in kbps before syncing (default: 192)" echo " -a, --resize-art Resize album-art before syncing (default width: 200)" echo " -v, --verbose <0-6> Set log level (default: 2)" echo " -h, --help Display this help text" echo "" echo "Log levels:" echo " 0 | Verbose" echo " 1 | Debug" echo " 2 | Info" echo " 3 | Warning" echo " 4 | Error" echo " 5 | Fatal" echo " 6 | Silence" echo "" echo "Exit Codes:" echo " 1 Dependencies not met" echo " 2 Invalid Argument" echo " 3 Source Unreachable" echo " 4 Destination Unreachable" echo " 5 Command failed" echo "" } VerboseOutput() { level="" if [[ $verbose -le $1 ]]; then case "$1" in 0) level="\033[1;36mVerbose\033[0m" ;; 1) level="\033[1;34m Debug \033[0m" ;; 2) level="\033[1;37m Info \033[0m" ;; 3) level="\033[1;33mWarning\033[0m" ;; 4) level="\033[1;31m Error \033[0m" ;; 5) level="\033[1;30m Fatal \033[0m" ;; esac echo -e "[$level] $2" >&2 fi } CreateFileList() { # ${1} /mnt/hdd/Example-Artist/Example-Album # ${2} /mnt/mtp/Example-Artist/Example-Album # ${3} Example-Artist/Example-Album IFS="" sourcepath="${1/\[/\\\[}/*" sourcepath="${sourcepath/\]/\\\]}" for file in $sourcepath; do origfile="${file#"$1/"}" relfile=$(echo ${origfile} | sed -e 's/\(\.\)*$//g') mp3file=$(echo "${relfile}" | sed -e 's/.flac/.mp3/') VerboseOutput 0 "Checking ${origfile}" if [[ -d "${1}/$origfile" ]]; then VerboseOutput 0 "${origfile} is folder" newdir="${3}/$origfile" newdir=${newdir#"/"} VerboseOutput 1 "Entering $newdir" CreateFileList "${1}/$origfile" "${2}/$relfile" "$newdir" elif [[ "${1}/$origfile" != *".m3u" ]] && [[ "${1}/$origfile" -nt "${2}/$mp3file" ]]; then echo ${3}/$origfile >> /tmp/music-sync-filelist VerboseOutput 0 "${origfile} is newer in source" VerboseOutput 2 "Added: ${3}/${origfile}" fi if [[ "${1}/$origfile" == *".m3u" ]]; then VerboseOutput 0 "${origfile} is playlist" fi done } ConvertFiles() { curline=0 percentage=0 IFS=" "; for line in $(cat "/tmp/music-sync-filelist") do VerboseOutput 0 "${source}/$line" if [[ ! -f "${source}/$line" ]]; then VerboseOutput 5 "Source-file ${source}/$line Unreachable" ExecTime exit 3 fi curline=$(expr ${curline} + 1) total=$(cat /tmp/music-sync-filelist | wc -l) percentage=$(echo "scale=4;${curline}/${total}" | bc) percentage=$(echo "scale=2;${percentage}*100" | bc) VerboseOutput 1 "Converting: $line" VerboseOutput 2 "Progress: $curline / $total (${percentage%00}%) Step 1 of 2" if [[ "$temp/$line" = */* ]]; then VerboseOutput 0 "Creating folder $temp/${line%/*}" mkdir -p "$temp/${line%/*}"; fi; mp3line=$(echo "$line" | sed -e 's/.flac/.mp3/') if [[ ! -f "$temp/$mp3line" || "${source}/$mp3line" -nt "$temp/$mp3line" ]]; then if [[ $line != *".mp3" ]]; then VerboseOutput 3 "${line} will be converted to mp3-file ${mp3line}" fi VerboseOutput 0 "Converting MP3-file $line" ffmpeg -y -i "$source/$line" -acodec libmp3lame -map_metadata 0 -id3v2_version 3 -b:a ${bitrate}k "$temp/${mp3line}" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [[ $convertart == true ]]; then VerboseOutput 0 "Creating folder $temp/${mp3line}-images/" mkdir -p "$temp/${mp3line}-images/" VerboseOutput 0 "Extracted albumart" eyeD3 --write-images "$temp/${mp3line}-images/" "$temp/${mp3line}" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null frontcovers=(${temp}/${mp3line}-images/FRONT_COVER.*) if [ -e "$frontcovers" ]; then VerboseOutput 0 "Converting albumart" convert "$temp/${mp3line}-images/FRONT_COVER.*" -resize ${coverartsize}x${coverartsize} "$temp/${mp3line}-images/FRONT_COVER.jpg" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null eyeD3 --remove-all-images "$temp/${mp3line}" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null VerboseOutput 0 "Embedding albumart" eyeD3 --add-image "$temp/${mp3line}-images/FRONT_COVER.jpg:FRONT_COVER" "$temp/${mp3line}" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null VerboseOutput 1 "Converted cover art: ${mp3line}" else VerboseOutput 4 "No front cover art found for ${mp3line}" fi fi VerboseOutput 2 "Converted: $line" else VerboseOutput 3 "$line already converted" fi; done VerboseOutput 2 "Done converting files" } CopyFiles() { curline=0 percentage=0 IFS=" "; for line in $(cat "/tmp/music-sync-filelist") do if [[ ! -d "$dest" ]]; then VerboseOutput 5 "Destination unreachable" ExecTime exit 4 fi if [[ $convert == true ]]; then mp3line=$(echo "$line" | sed -e 's/.flac/.mp3/') else mp3line=$(echo "$line") fi if [[ ! -f "${temp}/$mp3line" ]]; then VerboseOutput 5 "Source-file ${temp}/$mp3line Unreachable" ExecTime exit 3 fi curline=$(expr ${curline} + 1) total=$(cat /tmp/music-sync-filelist | wc -l) percentage=$(echo "scale=4;${curline}/${total}" | bc) percentage=$(echo "scale=2;${percentage}*100" | bc) destline=$(echo $mp3line | sed -e 's/\.*\//\//g') VerboseOutput 1 "Copying: $line" VerboseOutput 2 "Progress: $curline / $total (${percentage%00}%) Step 2 of 2" if [[ "$dest/$line" = */* ]]; then VerboseOutput 0 "Creating folder $dest/${line%/*}" mkdir -p "$dest/${destline%/*}"; fi; cp -f $temp/$mp3line $dest/${destline} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null VerboseOutput 2 "Copied: $line" done VerboseOutput 2 "Done copying files" } CleanUp() { VerboseOutput 1 "Cleaning Up" if [[ -f /tmp/music-sync-filelist ]]; then VerboseOutput 1 "Removing filelist" rm "/tmp/music-sync-filelist" fi VerboseOutput 1 "Done" } ExecTime() { termin=$(date +"%s") difftimelps=$(($termin-$begin)) VerboseOutput 1 "$(($difftimelps / 60)) minutes and $(($difftimelps % 60)) seconds elapsed for Script Execution." } ErrorHandler() { VerboseOutput 5 "Error while executing $1" CleanUp exit 5 } ExitHandler() { VerboseOutput 5 "Aborted" CleanUp exit 0 } trap 'ExitHandler' SIGINT trap 'ErrorHandler $BASH_COMMAND' ERR CheckDeps 0 GetOptions $@ CheckDeps 1 if [[ $help == true ]]; then Usage exit fi if [[ -f /tmp/music-sync-filelist ]]; then rm /tmp/music-sync-filelist fi VerboseOutput 2 "Scanning for new or updated files" CreateFileList $source $dest "" if [[ ! -f /tmp/music-sync-filelist ]]; then VerboseOutput 2 "Nothing to do!" CleanUp exit 0 fi if [[ $convert == true ]]; then ConvertFiles else if [[ $temp != "/tmp/converted" ]]; then VerboseOutput 2 "Conversion not enabled. Ignoring cache folder" fi temp=$source fi CopyFiles CleanUp ExecTime