# Image proxy (c) 2024- Jeroen De Meerleer Small image proxy based on [intervetion/image](https://image.intervention.io) to resize a image, create a border and fill the background ## Installation * Copy the folder to your destination * Run `composer install` * Done ## Usage Several options can be used fill => Background color w => the resulting width of the image h => the resulting height of the image cw => the resulting canvas width of the image ch => the resulting canvas height of the image url => the url of the original image (required) ** example ** Following will resize the gitea logo png to 600 by 600 with extra padding up to 800 by 800 and a light green background "deploy_url"?fill=f2ffe5&w=600&h=600&cw=800&ch=800&url=https://about.gitea.com/gitea.png