# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ AUTH API """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals import json import logging import os import time from resources.lib.viervijfzes.auth_awsidp import AwsIdp _LOGGER = logging.getLogger('auth-api') class AuthApi: """ VIER/VIJF/ZES Authentication API """ COGNITO_REGION = 'eu-west-1' COGNITO_POOL_ID = 'eu-west-1_dViSsKM5Y' COGNITO_CLIENT_ID = '6s1h851s8uplco5h6mqh1jac8m' TOKEN_FILE = 'auth-tokens.json' def __init__(self, username, password, cache_dir=None): """ Initialise object """ self._username = username self._password = password self._cache = cache_dir self._id_token = None self._expiry = 0 self._refresh_token = None if self._cache: # Load tokens from cache try: with open(self._cache + self.TOKEN_FILE, 'rb') as f: data_json = json.loads(f.read()) self._id_token = data_json.get('id_token') self._refresh_token = data_json.get('refresh_token') self._expiry = int(data_json.get('expiry', 0)) except (IOError, TypeError, ValueError): _LOGGER.info('We could not use the cache since it is invalid or non-existant.') def get_token(self): """ Get a valid token """ now = int(time.time()) if self._id_token and self._expiry > now: # We have a valid id token in memory, use it _LOGGER.debug('Got an id token from memory: %s', self._id_token) return self._id_token if self._refresh_token: # We have a valid refresh token, use that to refresh our id token # The refresh token is valid for 30 days. If this refresh fails, we just continue by logging in again. self._id_token = self._refresh(self._refresh_token) if self._id_token: self._expiry = now + 3600 _LOGGER.debug('Got an id token by refreshing: %s', self._id_token) if not self._id_token: # We have no tokens, or they are all invalid, do a login id_token, refresh_token = self._authenticate(self._username, self._password) self._id_token = id_token self._refresh_token = refresh_token self._expiry = now + 3600 _LOGGER.debug('Got an id token by logging in: %s', self._id_token) if self._cache: if not os.path.isdir(self._cache): os.mkdir(self._cache) # Store new tokens in cache with open(self._cache + self.TOKEN_FILE, 'wb') as f: data = json.dumps(dict( id_token=self._id_token, refresh_token=self._refresh_token, expiry=self._expiry, )) f.write(data.encode('utf8')) return self._id_token def clear_cache(self): """ Remove the cached tokens. """ if not self._cache: return # Remove cache os.remove(self._cache + self.TOKEN_FILE) # Clear tokens in memory self._id_token = None self._refresh_token = None self._expiry = 0 @staticmethod def _authenticate(username, password): """ Authenticate with Amazon Cognito and fetch a refresh token and id token. """ client = AwsIdp(AuthApi.COGNITO_POOL_ID, AuthApi.COGNITO_CLIENT_ID) return client.authenticate(username, password) @staticmethod def _refresh(refresh_token): """ Use the refresh token to fetch a new id token. """ client = AwsIdp(AuthApi.COGNITO_POOL_ID, AuthApi.COGNITO_CLIENT_ID) return client.renew_token(refresh_token)