export KODI_HOME := $(CURDIR)/tests/home export KODI_INTERACTIVE := 0 PYTHON := python KODI_PYTHON_ABIS := 3.0.0 2.26.0 # Collect information to build as sensible package name name = $(shell xmllint --xpath 'string(/addon/@id)' addon.xml) version = $(shell xmllint --xpath 'string(/addon/@version)' addon.xml) git_branch = $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) git_hash = $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) ifdef release zip_name = $(name)-$(version).zip else zip_name = $(name)-$(version)-$(git_branch)-$(git_hash).zip endif include_files = addon_entry.py addon.xml CHANGELOG.md LICENSE README.md resources/ service_entry.py include_paths = $(patsubst %,$(name)/%,$(include_files)) exclude_files = \*.new \*.orig \*.pyc \*.pyo languages = $(filter-out en_gb, $(patsubst resources/language/resource.language.%, %, $(wildcard resources/language/*))) all: check test build zip: build check: check-pylint check-tox check-translations check-pylint: @echo ">>> Running pylint checks" @$(PYTHON) -m pylint *.py resources/lib/ tests/ check-tox: @echo ">>> Running tox checks" @$(PYTHON) -m tox -q check-translations: @echo ">>> Running translation checks" @$(foreach lang,$(languages), \ msgcmp resources/language/resource.language.$(lang)/strings.po resources/language/resource.language.en_gb/strings.po; \ ) @tests/check_for_unused_translations.py check-addon: clean build @echo ">>> Running addon checks" $(eval TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d)) @unzip ../${zip_name} -d ${TMPDIR} cd ${TMPDIR} && kodi-addon-checker --branch=leia @rm -rf ${TMPDIR} codefix: @isort -l 160 resources/ test: test-unit test-unit: @echo ">>> Running unit tests" @$(PYTHON) -m pytest tests clean: @find . -name '*.py[cod]' -type f -delete @find . -name '__pycache__' -type d -delete @rm -rf .pytest_cache/ .tox/ tests/cdm tests/userdata/temp @rm -f *.log .coverage build: clean @echo ">>> Building package" @rm -f ../$(zip_name) cd ..; zip -r $(zip_name) $(include_paths) -x $(exclude_files) @echo "Successfully wrote package as: ../$(zip_name)" # You first need to run sudo gem install github_changelog_generator for this release: ifneq ($(release),) @github_changelog_generator -u add-ons -p plugin.video.viervijfzes --no-issues --exclude-labels duplicate,question,invalid,wontfix release --future-release v$(release); @echo "cd /addon/@version\nset $$release\nsave\nbye" | xmllint --shell addon.xml; \ date=$(shell date '+%Y-%m-%d'); \ echo "cd /addon/extension[@point='xbmc.addon.metadata']/news\nset v$$release ($$date)\nsave\nbye" | xmllint --shell addon.xml; \ # Next steps to release: # - Modify the news-section of addons.xml # - git add . && git commit -m "Prepare for v$(release)" && git push # - git tag v$(release) && git push --tags else @echo "Usage: make release release=1.0.0" endif multizip: clean @-$(foreach abi,$(KODI_PYTHON_ABIS), \ echo "cd /addon/requires/import[@addon='xbmc.python']/@version\nset $(abi)\nsave\nbye" | xmllint --shell addon.xml; \ matrix=$(findstring $(abi), $(word 1,$(KODI_PYTHON_ABIS))); \ if [ $$matrix ]; then version=$(version)+matrix.1; else version=$(version); fi; \ echo "cd /addon/@version\nset $$version\nsave\nbye" | xmllint --shell addon.xml; \ make build; \ )