# override these settings by copying this to /etc/sysusers.d/ and modifying it therein # Type Name ID GECOS Home directory Shell g kodi - - u kodi - "Kodi User" /var/lib/kodi # supplemental groups # see: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Users_and_groups#Pre-systemd_groups m kodi audio m kodi input m kodi optical m kodi video # other groups, see: /usr/lib/sysusers.d/arch.conf or basic.conf # m kodi network # m kodi power # m kodi tty # m kodi disk # m kodi storage # uncomment the following line for Ubunutu users needing access to /etc/ttyxxxx # https://github.com/graysky2/kodi-standalone-service/issues/14 # m kodi dialout