--- title: Links audience: writer, designer tags: [formatting, navigation] keywords: links, hyperlinks, cross references, related links, relationship tables summary: "When creating links, you can use standard HTML or Markdown formatting. However, you can also implement an automated approach to linking that makes linking much less error-prone (meaning less chances of broken links in your output) and requiring less effort." last_updated: July 3, 2016 sidebar: mydoc_sidebar permalink: mydoc_hyperlinks.html folder: mydoc --- ## Create an external link When linking to an external site, use Markdown formatting because it's simplest: ``` [Google](http://google.com) ``` ## Linking to internal pages When linking to internal pages, you can manually link to the pages like this: ``` [Icons](mydoc_icons.html) ``` However, if you change the file name, you'll have to update all of your links. It's much easier to use Automated links, as described in the next section. ## Automated links {#automatedlinks} This method for automated links creates a master list of all links in a Markdown reference format based on entries in your sidebar table of contents. With this Automated links method, make sure all your pages are referenced in a sidebar or topnav data file (inside \_data > sidebars). If they're not in a sidebar or top nav (such as links to headings on a page), list them in the `other.yml` file (which is in the \_data/sidebars folder). The links.html file (in \_includes) will iterate through all your sidebars and create a list of reference-style markdown links based on the `url` properties in the sidebar items. {% include note.html content="For the automated links method to work, each of your pages must have a `permalink` property in the frontmatter. The `permalink` property must match the file name. For example, if the file name is `somefile.html`, your permalink property would be `somefile.html`. See [Pages][mydoc_pages] for more details." %} To implement managed links: 1. In your \_config.yml file, list each sidebar in the `sidebars` property — including the other.yml file too: ```yaml sidebars: - home_sidebar - mydoc_sidebar - product1_sidebar - product2_sidebar - other ``` 2. At the bottom of each topic where you plan to include links, include the links.html file: ``` {% raw %}{% include links.html %}{% endraw %} ``` 3. To link to a topic, use reference-style Markdown links, with the referent using the file name (without the file extension). For example: ``` See the [Icon][mydoc_icons] file. ``` Here's the result: See the [Icon][mydoc_icons] file. If the link doesn't render, check to make sure the page is correctly listed in the sidebar. ## Automated links to headings on pages {#bookmarklinks} If you're linking to the specific heading from another page, first give the heading an ID: ``` ## Some heading {#someheading} ``` Then add a property into the other.yml file in your \_data/sidebars folder: ```yaml - title: Some link bookmark url: /mydoc_pages.html#someIdTag ``` And reference it like this: ``` This is [Some link][mydoc_pages.html#someIdTag]. ``` **Result:** This is [Some link][mydoc_pages.html#someIdTag]. It's a little strange having the `.html#` in a reference like this, but it works. {% include links.html %}