#!/usr/bin/env bash #### halt script on error set -xe echo '##### Print docker version' docker --version echo '##### Print environment' env | sort #### Build the Docker Images if [ -n "${PHP_VERSION}" ]; then cp env-example .env sed -i -- "s/PHP_VERSION=.*/PHP_VERSION=${PHP_VERSION}/g" .env sed -i -- 's/=false/=true/g' .env cat .env docker-compose build ${BUILD_SERVICE} docker images fi #### Generate the Laradock Documentation site using Hugo if [ -n "${HUGO_VERSION}" ]; then HUGO_PACKAGE=hugo_${HUGO_VERSION}_Linux-64bit HUGO_BIN=hugo_${HUGO_VERSION}_linux_amd64 # Download hugo binary curl -L https://github.com/spf13/hugo/releases/download/v$HUGO_VERSION/$HUGO_PACKAGE.tar.gz | tar xz mkdir -p $HOME/bin mv ./${HUGO_BIN}/${HUGO_BIN} $HOME/bin/hugo # Remove existing docs if [ -d "./docs" ]; then rm -r ./docs fi # Build docs cd DOCUMENTATION hugo fi