# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Image Setup #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FROM laradock/php-fpm:5.6--1.0 MAINTAINER Mahmoud Zalt <mahmoud@zalt.me> # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mandatory Software's Installation #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Mandatory Software's such as ("mcrypt", "pdo_mysql", "libssl-dev", ....) # are installed on the base image 'laradock/php-fpm' image. If you want # to add more Software's or remove existing one, you need to edit the # base image (https://github.com/LaraDock/php-fpm). # # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Optional Software's Installation #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Optional Software's will only be installed if you set them to `true` # in the `docker-compose.yml` before the build. # # - INSTALL_XDEBUG= false # - INSTALL_MONGO= false # ##################################### # xDebug: ##################################### ARG INSTALL_XDEBUG=true ENV INSTALL_XDEBUG ${INSTALL_XDEBUG} RUN if [ ${INSTALL_XDEBUG} = true ]; then \ # Install the xdebug extention pecl install xdebug && \ docker-php-ext-enable xdebug \ ;fi ##################################### # MongoDB: ##################################### ARG INSTALL_MONGO=true ENV INSTALL_MONGO ${INSTALL_MONGO} RUN if [ ${INSTALL_MONGO} = true ]; then \ # Install the mongodb extention pecl install mongodb \ ;fi # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Final Touch #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ADD ./laravel.ini /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d ADD ./laravel.pool.conf /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/ RUN rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/* RUN usermod -u 1000 www-data WORKDIR /var/www/laravel CMD ["php-fpm"] EXPOSE 9000