--- date: 2016-03-09T20:08:11+01:00 title: Roadmap weight: 30 --- Quo vadis? The port of the original [Material theme](https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material) has replicated nearly all of its features. A few are still missing but I've good news: the Hugo community is actively working on this issues. Maybe with the next release of Hugo we can abandon this list. Stay tuned. ## Localization Currently, it is possible to collect all strings in a single place for easy customization. However, this only enables you to define all strings in a single language. This approach is quite limiting in terms of localization support. Therefore, I decided to wait for a native integration. This way we can avoid a second setup of all strings in your website. Keep an eye on [#1734](https://github.com/spf13/hugo/issues/1734). ## Search Beside third-party services, some hacky workarounds and Grunt-/Gulp-based scripts that only require unnecessary dependencies, future versions of Hugo will support the generation of a content index as a core feature. This approach plays well with this theme since MkDocs does the same. Keep an eye on [#1853](https://github.com/spf13/hugo/pull/1853). ## Contributing Did you found an bug or you would like to suggest a new feature? I'm open for feedback. Please open a new [issue](https://github.com/digitalcraftsman/hugo-material-docs/issues) and let me know. You're also welcome to contribute with [pull requests](https://github.com/digitalcraftsman/hugo-material-docs/pulls).