#!/bin/bash -eu cmd="$1" function running_as_root { test "$(id -u)" = "0" } function secure_mode_enabled { test "${SECURE_FILE_PERMISSIONS:=no}" = "yes" } function containsElement { local e match="$1" shift for e; do [[ "$e" == "$match" ]] && return 0; done return 1 } function is_readable { # this code is fairly ugly but works no matter who this script is running as. # It would be nice if the writability tests could use this logic somehow. local _file=${1} perm=$(stat -c %a "${_file}") # everyone permission if [[ ${perm:2:1} -ge 4 ]]; then return 0 fi # owner permissions if [[ ${perm:0:1} -ge 4 ]]; then if [[ "$(stat -c %U ${_file})" = "${userid}" ]] || [[ "$(stat -c %u ${_file})" = "${userid}" ]]; then return 0 fi fi # group permissions if [[ ${perm:1:1} -ge 4 ]]; then if containsElement "$(stat -c %g ${_file})" "${groups[@]}" || containsElement "$(stat -c %G ${_file})" "${groups[@]}" ; then return 0 fi fi return 1 } function is_writable { # It would be nice if this and the is_readable function could combine somehow local _file=${1} perm=$(stat -c %a "${_file}") # everyone permission if containsElement ${perm:2:1} 2 3 6 7; then return 0 fi # owner permissions if containsElement ${perm:0:1} 2 3 6 7; then if [[ "$(stat -c %U ${_file})" = "${userid}" ]] || [[ "$(stat -c %u ${_file})" = "${userid}" ]]; then return 0 fi fi # group permissions if containsElement ${perm:1:1} 2 3 6 7; then if containsElement "$(stat -c %g ${_file})" "${groups[@]}" || containsElement "$(stat -c %G ${_file})" "${groups[@]}" ; then return 0 fi fi return 1 } function print_permissions_advice_and_fail { _directory=${1} echo >&2 " Folder ${_directory} is not accessible for user: ${userid} or group ${groupid} or groups ${groups[@]}, this is commonly a file permissions issue on the mounted folder. Hints to solve the issue: 1) Make sure the folder exists before mounting it. Docker will create the folder using root permissions before starting the Neo4j container. The root permissions disallow Neo4j from writing to the mounted folder. 2) Pass the folder owner's user ID and group ID to docker run, so that docker runs as that user. If the folder is owned by the current user, this can be done by adding this flag to your docker run command: --user=\$(id -u):\$(id -g) " exit 1 } function check_mounted_folder_readable { local _directory=${1} if ! is_readable "${_directory}"; then print_permissions_advice_and_fail "${_directory}" fi } function check_mounted_folder_with_chown { # The /data and /log directory are a bit different because they are very likely to be mounted by the user but not # necessarily writable. # This depends on whether a user ID is passed to the container and which folders are mounted. # # No user ID passed to container: # 1) No folders are mounted. # The /data and /log folder are owned by neo4j by default, so should be writable already. # 2) Both /log and /data are mounted. # This means on start up, /data and /logs are owned by an unknown user and we should chown them to neo4j for # backwards compatibility. # # User ID passed to container: # 1) Both /data and /logs are mounted # The /data and /logs folders are owned by an unknown user but we *should* have rw permission to them. # That should be verified and error (helpfully) if not. # 2) User mounts /data or /logs *but not both* # The unmounted folder is still owned by neo4j, which should already be writable. The mounted folder should # have rw permissions through user id. This should be verified. # 3) No folders are mounted. # The /data and /log folder are owned by neo4j by default, and these are already writable by the user. # (This is a very unlikely use case). local mountFolder=${1} if running_as_root; then if ! is_writable "${mountFolder}" && ! secure_mode_enabled; then # warn that we're about to chown the folder and then chown it echo "Warning: Folder mounted to \"${mountFolder}\" is not writable from inside container. Changing folder owner to ${userid}." chown -R "${userid}":"${groupid}" "${mountFolder}" fi else if [[ ! -w "${mountFolder}" ]] && [[ "$(stat -c %U ${mountFolder})" != "neo4j" ]]; then print_permissions_advice_and_fail "${mountFolder}" fi fi } function load_plugin_from_github { # Load a plugin at runtime. The provided github repository must have a versions.json on the master branch with the # correct format. local _plugin_name="${1}" #e.g. apoc, graph-algorithms, graph-ql local _plugins_dir="${NEO4J_HOME}/plugins" if [ -d /plugins ]; then local _plugins_dir="/plugins" fi local _versions_json_url="$(jq --raw-output "with_entries( select(.key==\"${_plugin_name}\") ) | to_entries[] | .value.versions" /neo4jlabs-plugins.json )" # Using the same name for the plugin irrespective of version ensures we don't end up with different versions of the same plugin local _destination="${_plugins_dir}/${_plugin_name}.jar" local _neo4j_version="$(neo4j --version | cut -d' ' -f2)" # Now we call out to github to get the versions.json for this plugin and we parse that to find the url for the correct plugin jar for our neo4j version echo "Fetching versions.json for Plugin '${_plugin_name}' from ${_versions_json_url}" local _versions_json="$(wget -q --timeout 300 --tries 30 -O - "${_versions_json_url}")" local _plugin_jar_url="$(echo "${_versions_json}" | jq --raw-output ".[] | select(.neo4j==\"${_neo4j_version}\") | .jar")" if [[ -z "${_plugin_jar_url}" ]]; then echo >&2 "Error: No jar URL found for version '${_neo4j_version}' in versions.json from '${_versions_json_url}'" echo >&2 "${_versions_json}" exit 1 fi echo "Installing Plugin '${_plugin_name}' from ${_plugin_jar_url} to ${_destination} " wget -q --timeout 300 --tries 30 --output-document="${_destination}" "${_plugin_jar_url}" if ! is_readable "${_destination}"; then echo >&2 "Plugin at '${_destination}' is not readable" exit 1 fi } function apply_plugin_default_configuration { # Set the correct Load a plugin at runtime. The provided github repository must have a versions.json on the master branch with the # correct format. local _plugin_name="${1}" #e.g. apoc, graph-algorithms, graph-ql local _reference_conf="${2}" # used to determine if we can override properties local _neo4j_conf="${NEO4J_HOME}/conf/neo4j.conf" local _property _value echo "Applying default values for plugin ${_plugin_name} to neo4j.conf" for _entry in $(jq --compact-output --raw-output "with_entries( select(.key==\"${_plugin_name}\") ) | to_entries[] | .value.properties | to_entries[]" /neo4jlabs-plugins.json); do _property="$(jq --raw-output '.key' <<< "${_entry}")" _value="$(jq --raw-output '.value' <<< "${_entry}")" # the first grep strips out comments if grep -o "^[^#]*" "${_reference_conf}" | grep -q --fixed-strings "${_property}=" ; then # property is already set in the user provided config. In this case we don't override what has been set explicitly by the user. echo "Skipping ${_property} for plugin ${_plugin_name} because it is already set" else if grep -o "^[^#]*" "${_neo4j_conf}" | grep -q --fixed-strings "${_property}=" ; then sed --in-place "s/${_property}=/&${_value},/" "${_neo4j_conf}" else echo "${_property}=${_value}" >> "${_neo4j_conf}" fi fi done } function install_neo4j_labs_plugins { # We store a copy of the config before we modify it for the plugins to allow us to see if there are user-set values in the input config that we shouldn't override local _old_config="$(mktemp)" cp "${NEO4J_HOME}"/conf/neo4j.conf "${_old_config}" for plugin_name in $(echo "${NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS}" | jq --raw-output '.[]'); do load_plugin_from_github "${plugin_name}" apply_plugin_default_configuration "${plugin_name}" "${_old_config}" done rm "${_old_config}" } # If we're running as root, then run as the neo4j user. Otherwise # docker is running with --user and we simply use that user. Note # that su-exec, despite its name, does not replicate the functionality # of exec, so we need to use both if running_as_root; then userid="neo4j" groupid="neo4j" groups=($(id -G neo4j)) exec_cmd="exec gosu neo4j:neo4j" else userid="$(id -u)" groupid="$(id -g)" groups=($(id -G)) exec_cmd="exec" fi readonly userid readonly groupid readonly groups readonly exec_cmd # Need to chown the home directory - but a user might have mounted a # volume here (notably a conf volume). So take care not to chown # volumes (stuff not owned by neo4j) if running_as_root; then # Non-recursive chown for the base directory chown "${userid}":"${groupid}" "${NEO4J_HOME}" chmod 700 "${NEO4J_HOME}" find "${NEO4J_HOME}" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -user root -type d -exec chown -R ${userid}:${groupid} {} \; find "${NEO4J_HOME}" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec chmod -R 700 {} \; fi # Only prompt for license agreement if command contains "neo4j" in it if [[ "${cmd}" == *"neo4j"* ]]; then if [ "${NEO4J_EDITION}" == "enterprise" ]; then if [ "${NEO4J_ACCEPT_LICENSE_AGREEMENT:=no}" != "yes" ]; then echo >&2 " In order to use Neo4j Enterprise Edition you must accept the license agreement. (c) Neo4j Sweden AB. 2019. All Rights Reserved. Use of this Software without a proper commercial license with Neo4j, Inc. or its affiliates is prohibited. Email inquiries can be directed to: licensing@neo4j.com More information is also available at: https://neo4j.com/licensing/ To accept the license agreement set the environment variable NEO4J_ACCEPT_LICENSE_AGREEMENT=yes To do this you can use the following docker argument: --env=NEO4J_ACCEPT_LICENSE_AGREEMENT=yes " exit 1 fi fi fi # Env variable naming convention: # - prefix NEO4J_ # - double underscore char '__' instead of single underscore '_' char in the setting name # - underscore char '_' instead of dot '.' char in the setting name # Example: # NEO4J_dbms_tx__log_rotation_retention__policy env variable to set # dbms.tx_log.rotation.retention_policy setting # Backward compatibility - map old hardcoded env variables into new naming convention (if they aren't set already) # Set some to default values if unset : ${NEO4J_dbms_tx__log_rotation_retention__policy:=${NEO4J_dbms_txLog_rotation_retentionPolicy:-"100M size"}} : ${NEO4J_wrapper_java_additional:=${NEO4J_UDC_SOURCE:-"-Dneo4j.ext.udc.source=docker"}} : ${NEO4J_dbms_unmanaged__extension__classes:=${NEO4J_dbms_unmanagedExtensionClasses:-}} : ${NEO4J_dbms_allow__format__migration:=${NEO4J_dbms_allowFormatMigration:-}} : ${NEO4J_dbms_connectors_default__advertised__address:=${NEO4J_dbms_connectors_defaultAdvertisedAddress:-}} if [ "${NEO4J_EDITION}" == "enterprise" ]; then : ${NEO4J_causal__clustering_expected__core__cluster__size:=${NEO4J_causalClustering_expectedCoreClusterSize:-}} : ${NEO4J_causal__clustering_initial__discovery__members:=${NEO4J_causalClustering_initialDiscoveryMembers:-}} : ${NEO4J_causal__clustering_discovery__advertised__address:=${NEO4J_causalClustering_discoveryAdvertisedAddress:-"$(hostname):5000"}} : ${NEO4J_causal__clustering_transaction__advertised__address:=${NEO4J_causalClustering_transactionAdvertisedAddress:-"$(hostname):6000"}} : ${NEO4J_causal__clustering_raft__advertised__address:=${NEO4J_causalClustering_raftAdvertisedAddress:-"$(hostname):7000"}} # Custom settings for dockerized neo4j : ${NEO4J_causal__clustering_discovery__advertised__address:=$(hostname):5000} : ${NEO4J_causal__clustering_transaction__advertised__address:=$(hostname):6000} : ${NEO4J_causal__clustering_raft__advertised__address:=$(hostname):7000} fi # unset old hardcoded unsupported env variables unset NEO4J_dbms_txLog_rotation_retentionPolicy NEO4J_UDC_SOURCE \ NEO4J_dbms_unmanagedExtensionClasses NEO4J_dbms_allowFormatMigration \ NEO4J_dbms_connectors_defaultAdvertisedAddress NEO4J_ha_serverId \ NEO4J_ha_initialHosts NEO4J_causalClustering_expectedCoreClusterSize \ NEO4J_causalClustering_initialDiscoveryMembers \ NEO4J_causalClustering_discoveryListenAddress \ NEO4J_causalClustering_discoveryAdvertisedAddress \ NEO4J_causalClustering_transactionListenAddress \ NEO4J_causalClustering_transactionAdvertisedAddress \ NEO4J_causalClustering_raftListenAddress \ NEO4J_causalClustering_raftAdvertisedAddress if [ -d /conf ]; then if secure_mode_enabled; then check_mounted_folder_readable "/conf" fi find /conf -type f -exec cp {} "${NEO4J_HOME}"/conf \; fi if [ -d /ssl ]; then if secure_mode_enabled; then check_mounted_folder_readable "/ssl" fi : ${NEO4J_dbms_directories_certificates:="/ssl"} fi if [ -d /plugins ]; then if secure_mode_enabled; then if [[ ! -z "${NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS:-}" ]]; then # We need write permissions check_mounted_folder_with_chown "/plugins" fi check_mounted_folder_readable "/plugins" fi : ${NEO4J_dbms_directories_plugins:="/plugins"} fi if [ -d /import ]; then if secure_mode_enabled; then check_mounted_folder_readable "/import" fi : ${NEO4J_dbms_directories_import:="/import"} fi if [ -d /metrics ]; then if secure_mode_enabled; then check_mounted_folder_readable "/metrics" fi : ${NEO4J_dbms_directories_metrics:="/metrics"} fi if [ -d /logs ]; then check_mounted_folder_with_chown "/logs" : ${NEO4J_dbms_directories_logs:="/logs"} fi if [ -d /data ]; then check_mounted_folder_with_chown "/data" if [ -d /data/databases ]; then check_mounted_folder_with_chown "/data/databases" fi if [ -d /data/dbms ]; then check_mounted_folder_with_chown "/data/dbms" fi fi # set the neo4j initial password only if you run the database server if [ "${cmd}" == "neo4j" ]; then if [ "${NEO4J_AUTH:-}" == "none" ]; then NEO4J_dbms_security_auth__enabled=false elif [[ "${NEO4J_AUTH:-}" == neo4j/* ]]; then password="${NEO4J_AUTH#neo4j/}" if [ "${password}" == "neo4j" ]; then echo >&2 "Invalid value for password. It cannot be 'neo4j', which is the default." exit 1 fi if running_as_root; then # running set-initial-password as root will create subfolders to /data as root, causing startup fail when neo4j can't read or write the /data/dbms folder # creating the folder first will avoid that mkdir -p /data/dbms chown "${userid}":"${groupid}" /data/dbms fi # Will exit with error if users already exist (and print a message explaining that) # we probably don't want the message though, since it throws an error message on restarting the container. neo4j-admin set-initial-password "${password}" 2>/dev/null || true elif [ -n "${NEO4J_AUTH:-}" ]; then echo >&2 "Invalid value for NEO4J_AUTH: '${NEO4J_AUTH}'" exit 1 fi fi declare -A COMMUNITY declare -A ENTERPRISE COMMUNITY=( [dbms.tx_log.rotation.retention_policy]="100M size" [dbms.memory.pagecache.size]="512M" [dbms.connectors.default_listen_address]="" [dbms.connector.https.listen_address]="" [dbms.connector.http.listen_address]="" [dbms.connector.bolt.listen_address]="" ) ENTERPRISE=( [causal_clustering.transaction_listen_address]="" [causal_clustering.raft_listen_address]="" [causal_clustering.discovery_listen_address]="" ) for conf in ${!COMMUNITY[@]} ; do if ! grep -q "^$conf" "${NEO4J_HOME}"/conf/neo4j.conf then echo -e "\n"$conf=${COMMUNITY[$conf]} >> "${NEO4J_HOME}"/conf/neo4j.conf fi done for conf in ${!ENTERPRISE[@]} ; do if [ "${NEO4J_EDITION}" == "enterprise" ]; then if ! grep -q "^$conf" "${NEO4J_HOME}"/conf/neo4j.conf then echo -e "\n"$conf=${ENTERPRISE[$conf]} >> "${NEO4J_HOME}"/conf/neo4j.conf fi fi done #The udc.source=tarball should be replaced by udc.source=docker in both dbms.jvm.additional and wrapper.java.additional #Using sed to replace only this part will allow the custom configs to be added after, separated by a ,. if grep -q "udc.source=tarball" "${NEO4J_HOME}"/conf/neo4j.conf; then sed -i -e 's/udc.source=tarball/udc.source=docker/g' "${NEO4J_HOME}"/conf/neo4j.conf fi #The udc.source should always be set to docker by default and we have to allow also custom configs to be added after that. #In this case, this piece of code helps to add the default value and a , to support custom configs after. if ! grep -q "dbms.jvm.additional=-Dunsupported.dbms.udc.source=docker" "${NEO4J_HOME}"/conf/neo4j.conf; then sed -i -e 's/dbms.jvm.additional=/dbms.jvm.additional=-Dunsupported.dbms.udc.source=docker,/g' "${NEO4J_HOME}"/conf/neo4j.conf fi # list env variables with prefix NEO4J_ and create settings from them unset NEO4J_AUTH NEO4J_SHA256 NEO4J_TARBALL for i in $( set | grep ^NEO4J_ | awk -F'=' '{print $1}' | sort -rn ); do setting=$(echo ${i} | sed 's|^NEO4J_||' | sed 's|_|.|g' | sed 's|\.\.|_|g') value=$(echo ${!i}) # Don't allow settings with no value or settings that start with a number (neo4j converts settings to env variables and you cannot have an env variable that starts with a number) if [[ -n ${value} ]]; then if [[ ! "${setting}" =~ ^[0-9]+.*$ ]]; then if grep -q -F "${setting}=" "${NEO4J_HOME}"/conf/neo4j.conf; then # Remove any lines containing the setting already sed --in-place "/^${setting}=.*/d" "${NEO4J_HOME}"/conf/neo4j.conf fi # Then always append setting to file echo "${setting}=${value}" >> "${NEO4J_HOME}"/conf/neo4j.conf else echo >&2 "WARNING: ${setting} not written to conf file because settings that start with a number are not permitted" fi fi done if [[ ! -z "${NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS:-}" ]]; then # NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS should be a json array of plugins like '["graph-algorithms", "apoc", "streams", "graphql"]' install_neo4j_labs_plugins fi [ -f "${EXTENSION_SCRIPT:-}" ] && . ${EXTENSION_SCRIPT} if [ "${cmd}" == "dump-config" ]; then if ! is_writable "/conf"; then print_permissions_advice_and_fail "/conf" fi cp --recursive "${NEO4J_HOME}"/conf/* /conf echo "Config Dumped" exit 0 fi # Use su-exec to drop privileges to neo4j user # Note that su-exec, despite its name, does not replicate the # functionality of exec, so we need to use both if [ "${cmd}" == "neo4j" ]; then ${exec_cmd} neo4j console else ${exec_cmd} "$@" fi