--- title: Collections tags: [content_types] keywords: groups, api, structure last_updated: July 3, 2016 summary: "Collections are useful if you want to loop through a special folder of pages that you make available in a content API. You could also use collections if you have a set of articles that you want to treat differently from the other content, with a different layout or format." sidebar: mydoc_sidebar permalink: mydoc_collections.html folder: mydoc --- ## What are collections Collections are custom content types different from pages and posts. You might create a collection if you want to treat a specific set of articles in a unique way, such as with a custom layout or listing. For more detail on collections, see [Ben Balter's explanation of collections here](http://ben.balter.com/2016/02/20/jekyll-collections/). ## Create a collection To create a collection, add the following in your configuration file: ``` collections: tooltips: output: true ``` In this example, "tooltips"" is the name of the collection. ## Interacting with collections You can interact with collections by using the `site.collectionname` namespace, where `collectionname` is what you've configured. In this case, if I wanted to loop through all tooltips, I would use `site.tooltips` instead of `site.pages` or `site.posts`. See [Collections in the Jekyll documentation](http://jekyllrb.com/docs/collections/) for more information. ## How to use collections I haven't found a huge use for collections in normal documentation. However, I did find a use for collections in generating a tooltip file that would be used for delivering tooltips to a user interface from text files in the documentation. See [Help APIs and UI tooltips][mydoc_help_api] for details. ## Video tutorial on collections See this [video tutorial on Jekyll.tips](http://jekyll.tips/jekyll-casts/introduction-to-collections/) for more details on collections. {% include links.html %}