; NOTE: The actual debug.so extention is NOT SET HERE but rather ; /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-xdebug.ini ; For example: ; zend_extension=xdebug.so xdebug.remote_autostart=1 xdebug.remote_enable=1 xdebug.remote_handler=dbgp xdebug.remote_mode=req ; In PHPStorm: Settings > Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Debug > Xdebug > Debug port xdebug.remote_port=9000 ; This is passed with by docker-compose / workspace / extra_hosts / - "dockerhost:" ; It will set dockerhost ; This will allow xdebug to connect to the host running PHPStorm. xdebug.remote_host=dockerhost ; PHPStorm needs this xdebug.idekey=PHPSTORM