* @category Main * @package Libpairtwo * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Jeroen De Meerleer */ class Pairtwo6 implements ReaderInterface { public const COMPATIBLE_VERSIONS = ['6.', '5.']; public const PT_DAYFACTOR = 32; public const PT_MONTHFACTOR = 16; public const PT_PASTOFFSET = 117; public const PT_YEARFACTOR = 512; /** * Binary data that was read out of the pairing file * * @var bool|DateTime|int|string[] */ private $BinaryData; /** * Version of Pairtwo this file was created with * * @var string */ public $Release; /** * The tournament * * @var Tournament */ public $Tournament; /** * Returns binary data that was read out the pairtwo file but was not needed immediately * * @param string $key * * @return bool|DateTime|int|string|null */ public function __get(string $key) { if (isset($this->BinaryData[ $key ])) { return $this->BinaryData[ $key ]; } return null; } /** * Sets binary data that is read out the pairtwo file but is not needed immediately * * @param string $key * @param bool|int|DateTime|string $value */ public function __set(string $key, $value): void { $this->BinaryData[ $key ] = $value; } /** * Adds the first tiebreak to the tournament */ private function addTiebreaks(): void { switch ($this->Tournament->System) { case TournamentSystem::KEIZER: $firstElement = Tiebreak::KEIZER; break; case TournamentSystem::AMERICAN: case TournamentSystem::CLOSED: case TournamentSystem::SWISS: $firstElement = Tiebreak::POINTS; break; } $tiebreaks = $this->Tournament->Tiebreaks; array_unshift($tiebreaks, $firstElement); $this->Tournament->Tiebreaks = $tiebreaks; } /** * Converts integer value to a date representation * * @param int $date * * @return bool|DateTime */ private function convertUIntToTimestamp(int $date) { $curyear = date('Y'); $yearoffset = $curyear - self::PT_PASTOFFSET; // Day $day = $date % self::PT_DAYFACTOR; if ($day < 1) { $day = 1; } // Month $month = ($date / self::PT_DAYFACTOR) % self::PT_MONTHFACTOR; if ($month < 1) { $month = 1; } // Year $year = ($date / self::PT_YEARFACTOR) + $yearoffset; $concat = $month . '/' . $day . '/' . intval($year); $format = 'm/d/Y'; return DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $concat); } /** * Actually reads the Swar-File * * @param string $filename * * @throws IncompatibleReaderException */ public function read(string $filename): void { $swshandle = fopen($filename, 'rb'); $swscontents = fread($swshandle, filesize($filename)); fclose($swshandle); $offset = 0; $length = 4; $this->Release = $this->readData('String', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; if (array_search(substr($this->Release, 0, 2), self::COMPATIBLE_VERSIONS) === false) { throw new IncompatibleReaderException("This file was not created with Pairtwo 5 or higher"); } $this->Tournament = new Tournament(); $this->Tournament->PriorityElo = 'Nation'; $this->Tournament->PriorityId = 'Nation'; // UserCountry $length = 4; $this->UserCountry = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // SavedOffset $length = 4; $this->SavedOffset = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // NewPlayer $length = 4; $this->NewPlayer = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // AmericanHandicap $length = 4; $this->AmericanHandicap = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // LowOrder $length = 4; $this->LowOrder = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // PairingMethod $length = 4; $this->PairingMethod = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // AmericanPresence $length = 4; $this->AmericanPresence = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // CheckSameClub $length = 4; $this->CheckSameClub = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // NoColorCheck $length = 4; $this->NoColorCheck = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // SeparateCategories $length = 4; $this->SeparateCategories = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // EloUsed $length = 4; $this->EloUsed = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // AlternateColors $length = 4; $this->AlternateColors = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // MaxMeetings $length = 4; $this->MaxMeetings = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // MaxDistance $length = 4; $this->MaxDistance = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // MinimizeKeizer $length = 4; $this->MinimizeKeizer = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // MinRoundsMeetings $length = 4; $this->MinRoundsMeetings = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // MaxRoundsAbsent $length = 4; $this->MaxRoundsAbsent = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // SpecialPoints $length = 4 * 6; $this->SpecialPoints = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // NewNamePos $length = 4; $this->NewNamePos = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // CurrentRound $length = 4; $this->CurrentRound = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // CreatedRounds $length = 4; $this->CreatedRounds = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // CreatedPlayers $length = 4; $this->CreatedPlayers = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // MaxSelection $length = 4; $this->MaxSelection = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // NumberOfRounds $length = 4; $this->NumberOfRounds = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // NumberOfPairings $length = 4; $this->NumberOfPairings = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // CreatedPairings $length = 4; $this->CreatedPairings = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // PairingElems $length = 4; $this->PairingElems = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // RandomSeed $length = 4; $this->RandomSeed = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // TieOrder for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $length = 4; switch ($this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length))) { case 1: $tiebreak = Tiebreak::BUCHHOLZ; break; case 2: $tiebreak = Tiebreak::BUCHHOLZ_MED; break; case 3: $tiebreak = Tiebreak::BUCHHOLZ_CUT; break; case 4: $tiebreak = Tiebreak::SONNEBORN; break; case 5: $tiebreak = Tiebreak::KASHDAN; break; case 6: $tiebreak = Tiebreak::CUMULATIVE; break; case 7: $tiebreak = Tiebreak::BETWEEN; break; case 8: $tiebreak = Tiebreak::KOYA; break; case 9: $tiebreak = Tiebreak::BAUMBACH; break; case 10: $tiebreak = Tiebreak::PERFORMANCE; break; case 11: $tiebreak = Tiebreak::ARO; break; case 12: $tiebreak = Tiebreak::AROCUT; break; case 13: $tiebreak = Tiebreak::BLACK_PLAYED; break; case 14: $tiebreak = Tiebreak::TESTMATCH; break; case 15: $tiebreak = Tiebreak::DRAWING_OF_LOT; break; case 0: default: $tiebreak = Tiebreak::NONE; break; } $this->Tournament->addTieBreak($tiebreak); $offset += $length; } // Categorie for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $length = 4; $category = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); if ($category != 0) { $this->Tournament->addCategory('+' . $category); } $offset += $length; } // ExtraPoints $length = 4 * 20; $this->ExtraPoints = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // SelectP $length = 4 * 20; $this->SelectP = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // Players for ($i = 0; $i < $this->NewPlayer; $i++) { $player = new Player(); // Rank (Unused value) $length = 4; $player->Rank = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; $length = 4; $player->NamePos = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; $length = 4; $player->setId('Fide', $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length))); $offset += $length; $length = 4; $player->ExtraPts = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; $length = 4; $player->setElo('Nation', $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length))); $offset += $length; $length = 4; $player->DateOfBirth = $this->readData('Date', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; $length = 4; $player->setId('Nation', $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length))); $offset += $length; $length = 4; $player->Points = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)) / 2; $offset += $length; $length = 4; $player->setId('Club', $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length))); $offset += $length; $length = 4; $player->ScoreBuchholz = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)) / 2; $offset += $length; $length = 4; $player->ScoreAmerican = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)) / 2; $offset += $length; $length = 4; $player->HelpValue = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; $length = 4; $player->setElo('Fide', $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length))); $offset += $length; $length = 1; $player->NameLength = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; $length = 3; $player->Nation = $this->readData('String', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; $length = 1; $categoryindex = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $player->Category = $categoryindex != 0 ? $this->Tournament->Categories[ $categoryindex ] : NULL; $offset += $length; $length = 1; switch ($this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length))) { case 1: $title = Title::ELO; break; case 2: $title = Title::NM; break; case 3: $title = Title::WCM; break; case 4: $title = Title::WFM; break; case 5: $title = Title::CM; break; case 6: $title = Title::WIM; break; case 7: $title = Title::FM; break; case 8: $title = Title::WGM; break; case 9: $title = Title::HM; break; case 10: $title = Title::IM; break; case 11: $title = Title::HG; break; case 12: $title = Title::GM; break; case 0: default: $title = Title::NONE; break; } $player->Title = $title; $offset += $length; $length = 1; switch ($this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length))) { case 1: $gender = Gender::MALE; break; case 2: $gender = Gender::FEMALE; break; default: $gender = Gender::NEUTRAL; break; } $player->Gender = $gender; $offset += $length; $length = 1; $player->NumberOfTies = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; $length = 1; $player->Absent = $this->readData('Bool', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; $length = 1; $player->ColorDiff = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; $length = 1; $player->ColorPref = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; $length = 1; $player->Paired = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; $length = 1; $player->Float = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; $length = 1; $player->FloatPrev = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; $length = 1; $player->FloatBefore = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; $length = 1; $player->TieMatch = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; $this->Tournament->addPlayer($player); } // PlayerNames $length = (int)$this->NewNamePos + 0; $this->PlayerNames = substr($swscontents, $offset, $length); $offset += $length; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->NewPlayer; $i++) { $player = $this->Tournament->playerById($i); $namelength = $player->NameLength; $nameoffset = $player->NamePos; $player->Name = $this->readData("String", substr($this->PlayerNames, $nameoffset, $namelength)); $this->Tournament->updatePlayer($i, $player); } // TournamentName $length = 80; $this->Tournament->Name = $this->readData('String', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // TournamentOrganiser $length = 50; $this->Tournament->Organiser = $this->readData('String', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // TournamentTempo $length = 50; $this->Tournament->Tempo = $this->readData('String', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // TournamentCountry $length = 32; $this->Tournament->OrganiserCountry = $this->readData('String', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // Arbiters $length = 128; $this->Tournament->addArbiter($this->readData('String', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length))); $offset += $length; // Rounds $length = 4; $this->Tournament->NoOfRounds = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // Participants $length = 4; $this->Participants = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // Fidehomol $length = 4; $this->Tournament->FideHomol = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // StartDate $length = 4; $this->Tournament->StartDate = $this->readData('Date', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // EndDate $length = 4; $this->Tournament->EndDate = $this->readData('Date', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // Place $length = 36; $this->Tournament->OrganiserPlace = $this->readData('String', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // First period $length = 32; $this->Tournament->FirstPeriod = $this->readData('String', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // Second period $length = 32; $this->Tournament->SecondPeriod = $this->readData('String', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // Unrated Elo $length = 4; $this->Tournament->NonRatedElo = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // Type $length = 4; switch ($this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length))) { case 2: $system = TournamentSystem::CLOSED; break; case 4: $system = TournamentSystem::AMERICAN; break; case 6: $system = TournamentSystem::KEIZER; break; case 0: default: $system = TournamentSystem::SWISS; break; } $this->Tournament->System = $system; $offset += $length; // Federation $length = 12; $this->Tournament->Federation = $this->readData('String', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // Soustype /* * 32 Bits: * 1 bit = Libre? * 6 bits = First round sent to FIDE * 6 bits = First round sent to FRBE-KBSB * 6 bits = Last round sent to FIDE * 6 bits = Last round sent to FRBE-KBSB * 6 bits = Number of the First board * 1 bit = Double round robin */ $length = 4; $this->SousType = $this->readData('Hex', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // Organising club no $length = 4; $this->Tournament->OrganiserClubNo = $this->readData('String', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length), 0); $offset += $length; // Organising club $length = 8; $this->Tournament->OrganiserClub = $this->readData('String', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // Tournament year $length = 4; $this->Tournament->Year = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $offset += $length; // Round dates for ($i = 0; $i < $this->Tournament->NoOfRounds; $i++) { $length = 4; $round = new Round(); $round->RoundNo = $i; $round->Date = $this->readData('Date', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); $this->Tournament->addRound($round); $offset += $length; } if ($this->CurrentRound > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->NewPlayer; $i++) { for ($x = 0; $x < $this->CreatedRounds; $x++) { $pairing = new Pairing(); $pairing->Player = $this->Tournament->playerById($i); $length = 4; $opponent = $this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length)); if ($opponent != 4294967295) { $pairing->Opponent = $this->Tournament->playerById($opponent); } $offset += $length; $length = 1; switch ($this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length))) { case 255: case 253: $color = Color::BLACK; break; case 1: case 3: $color = Color::WHITE; break; case 0: default: $color = Color::NONE; break; } $pairing->Color = $color; $offset += $length; $length = 1; switch ($this->readData('Int', substr($swscontents, $offset, $length))) { case 1: $result = Result::LOST; break; case 2: $result = Result::ABSENT; break; case 3: $result = Result::ADJOURNED; break; case 4: $result = Result::BYE; break; case 6: $result = Result::DRAW; break; case 8: $result = Result::DRAW_ADJOURNED; break; case 11: $result = Result::WON; break; case 12: $result = Result::WON_FORFAIT; break; case 13: $result = Result::WON_ADJOURNED; break; case 14: $result = Result::WON_BYE; break; case 0: default: $result = Result::NONE; break; } $pairing->Result = $result; $offset += $length; $pairing->Round = $x; $offset += 2; $pairing->Board = -1; if ($x < $this->CurrentRound) { $this->Tournament->addPairing($pairing); } } } } $this->addTiebreaks(); $this->Tournament->pairingsToRounds(); } /** * Converts $data to $type and defaults to $default if given * * Possible types for $type are: * * String (UTF-8 String representation of $data. Default: empty string '') * * Hex (Capitalized Hex Value of $data. Default: 00) * * Int (Unsigned Integer value of $data Default: 0) * * Bool (Boolean representation of $data. Default: false) * * Date (Date representation of $data. Default: 1902/01/01) * * @param string $type * @param string $data * @param mixed $default * * @return bool|DateTime|int|string */ private function readData(string $type, string $data, $default = null) { switch ($type) { case 'String': $data = trim($data); if ($data == '') { return (is_null($default)) ? '' : $default; } return iconv('windows-1252', 'utf-8', $data); case 'Hex': case 'Int': case 'Bool': case 'Date': $hex = implode(unpack("H*", $data)); $hex = array_reverse(str_split($hex, 2)); foreach ($hex as $key => $item) { if ($item == "00") { $hex[ $key ] = ""; } else { break; } } $hex = implode($hex); $hex = ($hex == "") ? "00" : $hex; if ($type == 'Hex') { if ($hex == '00') { return (is_null($default)) ? '00' : $default; } return $hex; } elseif ($type == 'Int') { if ($hex == '00') { return (is_null($default)) ? 0 : $default; } return hexdec($hex); } elseif ($type == 'Date') { if ($hex == '00') { return (is_null($default)) ? $this->convertUIntToTimestamp(0) : $default; } return $this->convertUIntToTimestamp(hexdec($hex)); } elseif ($type == 'Bool') { return ($hex == "01"); } break; default: throw new InvalidArgumentException("Datatype not known"); } return false; } }