# Vagrantfile file for create primary server with 1..n siebling server for simulate cloud enviroment # vagrant_hosts.yml # # List of hosts to be created by Vagrant. This file controls the Vagrant # settings, specifically host name and network settings. You should at least # have a `name:`. Other optional settings that can be specified: # # * `ip`: by default, an IP will be assigned by DHCP. If you want a fixed # addres, specify it. # * `netmask`: by default, the network mask is ``. If you want # another one, it should be specified. # * `mac`: The MAC address to be assigned to the NIC. Several notations are # accepted, including "Linux-style" (`00:11:22:33:44:55`) and # "Windows-style" (`00-11-22-33-44-55`). The separator characters can # be omitted altogether (`001122334455`). # * `intnet`: If set to `true`, the network interface will be attached to an # internal network rather than a host-only adapter. # * `forwarded_ports`: A list of forwarded ports. Required items are `host` and 'guest` # * `auto_config`: If set to `false`, Vagrant will not attempt to configure # the network interface. # * `shell_always`: a list of shell scripts to be run after boot of the # machine. Required field is `cmd` having the path # * `synced_folders`: A list of dicts that specify synced folders. `src` and # `dest` are mandatory, `options:` are optional. For the possible options, # see the Vagrant documentation[1]. Keys of options should be prefixed with # a colon, e.g. `:owner:`. # # To enable *provisioning*, add these hosts to site.yml and assign some roles. # # [1] http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/synced-folders/basic_usage.html --- - name: primary box: debian/stretch64 - name: worker box: debian/stretch64