# One Vagrantfile to rule them all! # # This is a generic Vagrantfile that can be used without modification in # a variety of situations. Hosts and their properties are specified in # `vagrant-hosts.yml`. Provisioning is done by an Ansible playbook, # `ansible/site.yml`. # # See https://github.com/bertvv/ansible-skeleton/ for details require 'rbconfig' require 'yaml' # set default LC_ALL for all BOXES ENV["LC_ALL"] = "en_US.UTF-8" # Set your default base box here DEFAULT_BASE_BOX = 'bento/centos-7.6' # When set to `true`, Ansible will be forced to be run locally on the VM # instead of from the host machine (provided Ansible is installed). FORCE_LOCAL_RUN = false # # No changes needed below this point # VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = '2' PROJECT_NAME = '/' + File.basename(Dir.getwd) # set custom vagrant-hosts file vagrant_hosts = ENV['VAGRANT_HOSTS'] ? ENV['VAGRANT_HOSTS'] : 'vagrant-hosts.yml' hosts = YAML.load_file(File.join(__dir__, vagrant_hosts)) vagrant_groups = ENV['VAGRANT_GROUPS'] ? ENV['VAGRANT_GROUPS'] : 'vagrant-groups.yml' groups = YAML.load_file(File.join(__dir__, vagrant_groups)) # {{{ Helper functions def run_locally? windows_host? || FORCE_LOCAL_RUN end def windows_host? Vagrant::Util::Platform.windows? end # Set options for the network interface configuration. All values are # optional, and can include: # - ip (default = DHCP) # - netmask (default value = # - mac # - auto_config (if false, Vagrant will not configure this network interface # - intnet (if true, an internal network adapter will be created instead of a # host-only adapter) def network_options(host) options = {} if host.key?('ip') options[:ip] = host['ip'] options[:netmask] = host['netmask'] ||= '' else options[:type] = 'dhcp' end options[:mac] = host['mac'].gsub(/[-:]/, '') if host.key?('mac') options[:auto_config] = host['auto_config'] if host.key?('auto_config') options[:virtualbox__intnet] = true if host.key?('intnet') && host['intnet'] options end def custom_synced_folders(vm, host) return unless host.key?('synced_folders') folders = host['synced_folders'] folders.each do |folder| vm.synced_folder folder['src'], folder['dest'], folder['options'] end end # }}} # Set options for shell provisioners to be run always. If you choose to include # it you have to add a cmd variable with the command as data. # # Use case: start symfony dev-server # # example: # shell_always: # - cmd: php /srv/google-dev/bin/console server:start --force def shell_provisioners_always(vm, host) if host.has_key?('shell_always') scripts = host['shell_always'] scripts.each do |script| vm.provision "shell", inline: script['cmd'], run: "always" end end end # }}} # Adds forwarded ports to your Vagrant machine # # example: # forwarded_ports: # - guest: 88 # host: 8080 def forwarded_ports(vm, host) if host.has_key?('forwarded_ports') ports = host['forwarded_ports'] ports.each do |port| vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: port['guest'], host: port['host'] end end end def provision_ansible(node, host, groups) ansible_mode = run_locally? ? 'ansible_local' : 'ansible' node.vm.provision ansible_mode do |ansible| ansible.compatibility_mode = '2.0' if ! groups.nil? ansible.groups = groups end ansible.playbook = host.key?('playbook') ? "ansible/#{host['playbook']}" : "ansible/site.yml" ansible.become = true end end # }}} Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| hosts.each do |host| config.vm.define host['name'] do |node| node.vm.box = host['box'] ||= DEFAULT_BASE_BOX node.vm.box_url = host['box_url'] if host.key? 'box_url' node.vm.hostname = host['name'] node.vm.network :private_network, network_options(host) custom_synced_folders(node.vm, host) shell_provisioners_always(node.vm, host) forwarded_ports(node.vm, host) node.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| vb.memory = host['memory'] if host.key? 'memory' vb.cpus = host['cpus'] if host.key? 'cpus' # Add VM to a VirtualBox group # WARNING: if the name of the current directory is the same as the # host name, this will fail. vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--groups', PROJECT_NAME] end # Ansible provisioning provision_ansible(node, host, groups) end end end # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: ft=ruby :