- Simplified `getFailingJobs` by using a filter in `getAllJobs`.
- Updated `getAllJobs` to accept an optional filter parameter.
- Enhanced `parseJobs` to apply filters when parsing jobs.
- Cleaned up some code for better readability.
- Introduced a new 'pidfile' parameter in the services configuration
- Refactored DaemonCommand to use ContainerBagInterface instead of KernelInterface for better flexibility
- Updated file operations in DaemonCommand to use the newly introduced 'pidfile' parameter
- Added a new HealthCommand class with functionality to check the health of the application
- Removed redundant health check logic from SiteController, now using HealthCommand for this purpose
- Enhanced DaemonHelpers service by adding constructor dependencies and integrating it with ParameterBagInterface and ManagerRegistry
- Upgraded multiple packages to their latest versions
- Removed some unused dependencies
- Added new required dependencies for updated packages
- Updated package references and URLs
The import paths in various SCSS files have been updated to start with a forward slash. This change ensures that the correct file path is used, regardless of the location from which the file is being imported.
- Updated doctrine/orm to version ^3.2
- Updated guzzlehttp/guzzle to version ^7.9
- Updated nelmio/security-bundle to version ^3.4.0
- Updated scienta/doctrine-json-functions to version ^6.1
- Updated symfony/webpack-encore-bundle to version ^v2.1
- Updated symfony/maker-bundle to version ^v1.60
- Updated symfony/monolog-bundle to version ^v3.10
- Added a new command to adjust next run and last run times of jobs based on input options. The command parses the adjustment time provided and updates the job entities accordingly.
- Updated encryption/decryption methods for better clarity
- Added tag parsing method for HTML span element creation
- Implemented file content retrieval function and disk check functionality
- Updated doctrine/doctrine-bundle to version ^2.12
- Updated doctrine/orm to version ^2.19
- Updated nelmio/security-bundle to version ^v3.3
- Updated scienta/doctrine-json-functions to version ^5.5
- Updated phpstan/phpstan to version ^1.10
- Updated symfony/process to version ^4.0 || ^5.0 || ^6.0 || ^7.0
- Updated doctrine/orm from version ^2.15 to ^2.16
- Updated guzzlehttp/guzzle from version ^7.7 to ^7.8
- Updated nelmio/security-bundle from version ^3.0 to ^v3.0
- Updated symfony/flex from version ^2.3 to ^v2.4
- Updated symfony/webpack-encore-bundle from version "^v2.0" to "^v2.1"
- Updated laminas/laminas-code from version 4.12.0 to 4.13.0
- Updated doctrine/annotations from version "^2.0" to "^2.0.1"
- Updated laminas/laminas-coding-standard from version "^2.
- Update timepicker options to display inline and side by side
- Remove the previous restriction on minimum date
- Add a new restriction for maximum date
- Add a new restriction for minimum date, set to current date
- Removed the `initTimepicker()` function call from `document.addEventListener` block
- Added a new line to initialize `selecttimedatepicker` if it is undefined in the event listener for `.run` buttons
- Moved the modal show code before initializing `selecttimedatepicker`
- Removed duplicate modal show code from `initRunButtons()` function
- Update composer/ca-bundle from version 1.3.6 to 1.3.7
- Update doctrine/collections from version 2.1.2 to 2.1.3
- Update vimeo/psalm from version ^4.22 to ^5.11
- Update doctrine/dbal from version 3.6.4 to 3.6.6
- Update phpunit/phpunit from version 9.6.7 to 9.6.9
- Update jetbrains/phpstorm-stubs from version 2022.3 to 2023.
- Update slevomat/coding-standard from version 8..13..1 to
- Version: "8..13..1"
- Version: "8..13..1"
- Version: "8..13..1"
- Version: "8..13..1"
- Version: "8..13..1"
- Version: "8...
This commit adds the nelmio/security-bundle to the composer.json file. The bundle provides extra security-related features for Symfony, such as signed/encrypted cookies, HTTPS/SSL/HSTS handling, and cookie session storage.
- Added a new route '/{_locale}/login' to the UserController class.
- This route allows users to access the login page.
- The loginAction method now handles requests for this new route.
The code change fixes the exit condition in the DaemonCommand.php file. Previously, the code would exit if `$pid` was equal to 0, but now it will only exit if `$pid` is set and equal to 0. This ensures that the correct condition is checked before exiting.
The code changes in this commit update the job edit template. Specifically, it adds a line of code to increment the key value for variables. This change allows for proper indexing and handling of variables in the template.
This commit modifies the JobRepository class to decrypt secret values in commands. It replaces placeholders with decrypted values using the Secret::decrypt() function. This change ensures that sensitive information is not exposed in plain text within the commands.
This commit refactors the addToken method in JobRepository to generate a random string of 32 characters using alphanumeric characters. The new implementation replaces the previous code that generated the token.
This commit adds a new feature to generate a random string of 32 characters as the hooktoken for jobs that don't have one. This is done in the JobRepository class.