################ ### DEFAULT ### ################ ## What kind of environment. Only use prod here. APP_ENV=prod ################ ### DATABASE ### ################ ## We're using a database. Look at the url below to create a database URL ## https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-dbal/en/latest/reference/configuration.html#connecting-using-a-url ## Mysql sample DATABASE_URL="mysql://root:letmein@localhost:3306/webcron?charset=UTF8" ## Sqlite sample DATABASE_URL="sqlite:///storage/database.sqlite" ################# ### DEMO-MODE ### ################# ## Demo mode is used for showcasing the application. Demo mode will create a warning on every page and won't run your cronjobs ## As this will also display credentials on the login page, you should avoid enabling this on production environmnents ## Why would you want to do that anyway? DEMO_MODE=false ## The username and password of the demo mode cannot be read from the database. Therefore we are putting these in plain-text here. ## They should be available anyway DEMO_USER=example@example.com DEMO_PASS=password ################## ### ENCRYPTION ### ################## ## WARNING: Consider your already saved secrets lost when changing below values ## This secret value is used to encrypt secret variables (eg. ssh-keys, http-auth passwords, etc) SECRET=ImNotThatSecretSoPleaseChangeMe0123456789 ## The encryption method used for encrypting secret variables. AES-256 is most commonly used and considered most safe. ## Please see https://www.php.net/openssl-get-cipher-methods for possible values ENCRYPTION_METHOD="AES-256-CBC" ## Encryption can only be secure if you are sure it is not tampered. ## The value below is the hashing algorithm that is used to verify the encrypted date HASHING_METHOD="sha256" ################### ### ENVIRONMENT ### ################### ## Debug mode is solely for development purposes only. It disables caching and enables your webcam to stream it to the web DEBUG=false ## Cookies are used for saving autologin credentials. This sets the amount of time in seconds the credentials are saved. ## Grandma probably has a calculator somewhere if you need to check how many seconds are in a week :) COOKIE_LIFETIME=2592000 ## Unfortunatly, not everyone has the same timezone. 3:00PM in Sydney, does not mean it is 15:00 in Brussels. ## You can change this here. Need help? https://www.php.net/timezones TZ=Europe/Brussels ## TRUSTED_PROXIES is a useful variable when using Docker and/or a reverse proxy. ## Set it to the IP address of your proxy. You can set to multiple proxies by comma-separating them TRUSTED_PROXIES= ############## ### MAILER ### ############## ## Webcron management is sending you mails when cronjob are failing. The MAILER_DSN is providing usefull information on ## the how mails are being sent. Need info? https://symfony.com/doc/current/mailer.html#transport-setup MAILER_DSN=native://default ## Anonymous is still someone. So even if this someone is unknown you need someone who is sending your mails. MAILER_FROM=www-data@example.com ## Now that everything is set up: go to your friends and get wasted!