{% extends "base.html.twig" %} {% block title %}Add job{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Add a cronjob

General info


Job details

Command details

Reboot job details

Use {reboot-delay} or {reboot-delay-secs} to add the delay in your command
Delay between triggering reboot and actual reboot
The amount of time the system takes to actually reboot

HTTP request details

This field is being saved as a secret

Localhost details

No options

SSH host details

This file is being saved as a secret
If private key is empty this field is being used as ssh-password This field is being saved as a secret

Docker container details


{% set key = 1 %} {% for id,var in data.vars %}
{% endfor %}

You can add variables by using {variable-name} in job details

Add variable
{% endblock %} {% block styles %} {{ encore_entry_link_tags('job.add') }} {% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {{ encore_entry_script_tags('job.add') }} {% endblock %}