dbcon->prepare($jobsSql); $jobsRslt = $jobsStmt->executeQuery(); $jobs = $jobsRslt->fetchAllAssociative(); foreach ($jobs as $key=>&$job) { $job['data'] = json_decode($job['data'], true); $job['host-displayname'] = $job['data']['host']; $job['host'] = $job['data']['host']; $job['service'] = $job['data']['service'] ?? ''; if(!empty($job['data']['containertype']) && $job['data']['containertype'] != 'none') { $job['host-displayname'] = $job['data']['service'] . ' on ' . $job['data']['host']; } } array_multisort( array_column($jobs, 'name'), SORT_ASC, array_column($jobs, 'host'), SORT_ASC, array_column($jobs, 'service'), SORT_ASC, $jobs); return $jobs; } public function getJobsDue() { $jobsSql = "SELECT id, running FROM job WHERE ( nextrun <= :timestamp AND (lastrun IS NULL OR lastrun > :timestamplastrun) AND running IN (0,2) ) OR (running NOT IN (0,1,2) AND running < :timestamprun) OR (running == 2)"; $jobsStmt = $this->dbcon->prepare($jobsSql); $jobsRslt = $jobsStmt->executeQuery([':timestamp' => time(), ':timestamplastrun' => time(), ':timestamprun' => time()]); $jobs = $jobsRslt->fetchAllAssociative(); return $jobs; } public function setJobRunning(int $job, bool $status): void { $jobsSql = "UPDATE job SET running = :status WHERE id = :id AND running IN (0,1,2)"; $jobsStmt = $this->dbcon->prepare($jobsSql); $jobsStmt->executeQuery([':id' => $job, ':status' => $status ? 1 : 0]); return; } public function setTempVar(int $job, string $name, mixed $value): void { $jobsSql = "SELECT data FROM job WHERE id = :id"; $jobsStmt = $this->dbcon->prepare($jobsSql); $result = $jobsStmt->executeQuery([':id' => $job])->fetchAssociative(); $result = json_decode($result['data'], true); $result['temp_vars'][$name] = $value; $jobsSql = "UPDATE job SET data = :data WHERE id = :id"; $jobsStmt = $this->dbcon->prepare($jobsSql); $jobsStmt->executeQuery([':id' => $job, ':data' => json_encode($result)]); return; } public function deleteTempVar(int $job, string $name): void { $jobsSql = "SELECT data FROM job WHERE id = :id"; $jobsStmt = $this->dbcon->prepare($jobsSql); $result = $jobsStmt->executeQuery([':id' => $job])->fetchAssociative(); $result = json_decode($result['data'], true); unset($result['temp_vars'][$name]); $jobsSql = "UPDATE job SET data = :data WHERE id = :id"; $jobsStmt = $this->dbcon->prepare($jobsSql); $jobsStmt->executeQuery([':id' => $job, ':data' => json_encode($result)]); return; } public function getTempVar(int $job, string $name): mixed { $jobsSql = "SELECT data FROM job WHERE id = :id"; $jobsStmt = $this->dbcon->prepare($jobsSql); $result = $jobsStmt->executeQuery([':id' => $job])->fetchAssociative(); $result = json_decode($result['data'], true); return $result['temp_vars'][$name]; } private function runHttpJob(array $job): array { $client = new Client(); if(!empty($job['data']['vars'])) { foreach($job['data']['vars'] as $key => $var) { if (!empty($job['data']['basicauth-username'])) $job['data']['basicauth-username'] = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', $var['value'], $job['data']['basicauth-username']); $job['data']['url'] = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', $var['value'], $job['data']['url']); } } $url = $job['data']['url']; $options['http_errors'] = false; $options['auth'] = !empty($job['data']['basicauth-username']) ? [$job['data']['basicauth-username'], $job['data']['basicauth-password']] : NULL; $res = $client->request('GET', $url, $options); $return['exitcode'] = $res->getStatusCode(); $return['output'] = $res->getBody(); $return['failed'] = !in_array($return['exitcode'], $job['data']['http-status']); return $return; } private function runCommandJob(array $job): array { if(!empty($job['data']['vars'])) { foreach ($job['data']['vars'] as $key => $var) { $job['data']['command'] = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', $var['value'], $job['data']['command']); } } $command = $job['data']['command']; if ($job['data']['containertype'] == 'docker') { $command = $this->prepareDockerCommand($command, $job['data']['service'], $job['data']['container-user']); } if($job['data']['hosttype'] == 'local') { $return = $this->runLocalCommand($command); $return['failed'] = !in_array($return['exitcode'], $job['data']['response']); return $return; } elseif($job['data']['hosttype'] == 'ssh') { $return = $this->runSshCommand($command, $job['data']['host'], $job['data']['user'], $job['data']['ssh-privkey'], $job['data']['privkey-password']); $return['failed'] = !in_array($return['exitcode'], $job['data']['response']); return $return; } } private function runLocalCommand(string $command): array { pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); $return['exitcode'] = NULL; $return['output'] = NULL; exec($command . ' 2>&1', $return['output'], $return['exitcode']); pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); $return['output'] = implode("\n", $return['output']); return $return; } private function runSshCommand(string $command, string $host, string $user, string $privkey, string $password): array { $ssh = new SSH2($host); $key = null; if(!empty($privkey)) { if(!empty($password)) { $key = PublicKeyLoader::load(base64_decode($privkey), $password); } else { $key = PublicKeyLoader::load(base64_decode($privkey)); } } elseif (!empty($password)) { $key = $password; } if (!$ssh->login($user, $key)) { $return['output'] = "Login failed"; $return['exitcode'] = 255; return $return; } $return['output'] = $ssh->exec($command); $return['exitcode'] = $ssh->getExitStatus(); $return['exitcode'] = (empty($return['exitcode'])) ? 0 : $return['exitcode']; return $return; } private function runRebootJob(array $job, float &$starttime, bool &$manual): array { if($job['running'] == 1) { $this->setTempVar($job['id'], 'starttime', $starttime); $this->setTempVar($job['id'], 'manual', $manual); $job['data']['reboot-command'] = str_replace('{reboot-delay}', $job['data']['reboot-delay'], $job['data']['reboot-command']); $job['data']['reboot-command'] = str_replace('{reboot-delay-secs}', $job['data']['reboot-delay-secs'], $job['data']['reboot-command']); if (!empty($job['data']['vars'])) { foreach ($job['data']['vars'] as $key => $var) { $job['data']['reboot-command'] = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', $var['value'], $job['data']['reboot-command']); } } $jobsSql = "UPDATE job SET running = :status WHERE id = :id"; $jobsStmt = $this->dbcon->prepare($jobsSql); $jobsStmt->executeQuery([':id' => $job['id'], ':status' => time() + $job['data']['reboot-delay-secs'] + ($job['data']['reboot-duration'] * 60)]); if($job['data']['hosttype'] == 'ssh') { $this->runSshCommand($job['data']['reboot-command'], $job['data']['host'], $job['data']['user'], $job['data']['ssh-privkey'] ?? '', $job['data']['privkey-password'] ?? ''); } elseif($job['data']['hosttype'] == 'local') { $this->runLocalCommand($job['data']['reboot-command']); } exit; } elseif($job['running'] != 0) { if($job['running'] > time()) { exit; } $starttime = (float)$this->getTempVar($job['id'], 'starttime'); $this->deleteTempVar($job['id'], 'starttime'); $manual = $this->getTempVar($job['id'], 'manual'); $this->deleteTempVar($job['id'], 'manual'); $jobsSql = "UPDATE job SET running = :status WHERE id = :id"; $jobsStmt = $this->dbcon->prepare($jobsSql); $jobsStmt->executeQuery([':id' => $job['id'], ':status' => 1]); if (!empty($job['data']['vars'])) { foreach ($job['data']['vars'] as $key => $var) { $job['data']['getservices-command'] = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', $var['value'], $job['data']['getservices-command']); } } if($job['data']['hosttype'] == 'ssh') { $return = $this->runSshCommand($job['data']['getservices-command'], $job['data']['host'], $job['data']['user'], $job['data']['ssh-privkey'], $job['data']['privkey-password']); } elseif($job['data']['hosttype'] == 'local') { $return = $this->runLocalCommand($job['data']['getservices-command']); } return $return; } } public function runNow($job) { $job = $this->getJob($job, true); $runRepo = new Run($this->dbcon); if($runRepo->isSlowJob($job['id']) || $job['data']['crontype'] === 'reboot') { $jobsSql = "UPDATE job SET running = :status WHERE id = :id AND running IN (0,1,2)"; $jobsStmt = $this->dbcon->prepare($jobsSql); $jobsStmt->executeQuery([':id' => $job['id'], ':status' => 2]); return ['success' => true, 'status' => 'deferred', 'title' => 'Cronjob has been scheduled', 'message' => 'Job was scheduled to be run. You will find the output soon in the job details']; } else { $this->runJob($job['id'], true); $output = $runRepo->getLastRun($job['id']); return [ 'status' => 'ran', 'output' => $output['output'], 'exitcode' => $output['exitcode'], 'runtime' => (float)$output['runtime'], 'title' => !str_contains($output['flags'], Run::FAILED) ? 'Cronjob successfully ran' : 'Cronjob failed. Please check output below', 'success' => !str_contains($output['flags'], Run::FAILED) ]; } } private function prepareDockerCommand(string $command, string $service, string|NULL $user): string { $prepend = 'docker exec '; $prepend .= (!empty($user)) ? ' --user=' . $user . ' ' : ''; $prepend .= $service . ' '; return $prepend . $command; } public function runJob(int $job, bool $manual): void { $starttime = microtime(true); $job = $this->getJob($job, true); if ($job['data']['crontype'] == 'http') { $result = $this->runHttpJob($job); } elseif ($job['data']['crontype'] == 'command') { $result = $this->runCommandJob($job); } elseif ($job['data']['crontype'] == 'reboot') { $result = $this->runRebootJob($job, $starttime, $manual); } $endtime = microtime(true); $runtime = $endtime - $starttime; // setting flags $flags = []; if ($result['failed'] === true) { $flags[] = Run::FAILED; } else { $flags[] = Run::SUCCESS; } if ($manual === true) { $flags[] = Run::MANUAL; } // saving to database $runRepo = new Run($this->dbcon); $runRepo->addRun($job['id'], $result['exitcode'], floor($starttime), $runtime, $result['output'], $flags); if (!$manual){ // setting nextrun to next run $nextrun = $job['nextrun']; do { $nextrun = $nextrun + $job['interval']; } while ($nextrun < time()); $addRunSql = 'UPDATE job SET nextrun = :nextrun WHERE id = :id'; $addRunStmt = $this->dbcon->prepare($addRunSql); $addRunStmt->executeQuery([':id' => $job['id'], ':nextrun' => $nextrun]); } } public function unlockJob(int $id = 0): void { $jobsSql = "UPDATE job SET running = :status WHERE running = 1"; $params = [':status' => 0]; if($id != 0) { $jobsSql .= " AND id = :id"; $params[':id'] = $id; } $jobsStmt = $this->dbcon->prepare($jobsSql); $jobsStmt->executeQuery($params); return; } public function addJob(array $values) { if(empty($values['crontype']) || empty($values['name']) || empty($values['interval']) || empty($values['nextrun']) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Some fields are empty'); } $data = $this->prepareJob($values); $data['data'] = json_encode($data['data']); $addJobSql = "INSERT INTO job(name, data, interval, nextrun, lastrun, running) VALUES (:name, :data, :interval, :nextrun, :lastrun, :running)"; $addJobStmt = $this->dbcon->prepare($addJobSql); $addJobStmt->executeQuery([':name' => $data['name'], ':data' => $data['data'], ':interval' => $data['interval'], ':nextrun' => $data['nextrun'], ':lastrun' => $data['lastrun'], ':running' => 0]); return ['success' => true, 'message' => 'Cronjob succesfully added']; } public function editJob(int $id, array $values) { if(empty($values['crontype']) || empty($values['name']) || empty($values['interval']) || empty($values['nextrun']) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Some fields are empty'); } $data = $this->prepareJob($values); $data['data'] = json_encode($data['data']); $editJobSql = "UPDATE job SET name = :name, data = :data, interval = :interval, nextrun = :nextrun, lastrun = :lastrun WHERE id = :id"; $editJobStmt = $this->dbcon->prepare($editJobSql); $editJobStmt->executeQuery([':name' => $data['name'], ':data' => $data['data'], ':interval' => $data['interval'], ':nextrun' => $data['nextrun'], ':lastrun' => $data['lastrun'],':id' => $id ]); return ['success' => true, 'message' => 'Cronjob succesfully edited']; } public function prepareJob(array $values): array { if(empty($values['lastrun']) || (isset($values['lastrun-eternal']) && $values['lastrun-eternal'] == 'true')) { $values['lastrun'] = NULL; } else { $values['lastrun'] = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y H:i:s',$values['lastrun'])->getTimestamp(); } $values['nextrun'] = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y H:i:s', $values['nextrun'])->getTimestamp(); $values['data']['crontype'] = $values['crontype']; $values['data']['hosttype'] = $values['hosttype']; $values['data']['containertype'] = $values['containertype']; if(empty($values['data']['crontype'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Crontype cannot be empty"); } switch($values['data']['crontype']) { case 'command': $values['data']['command'] = $values['command']; $values['data']['response'] = explode(',', $values['response']); break; case 'reboot': $values['data']['reboot-command'] = $values['reboot-command']; $values['data']['getservices-command'] = $values['getservices-command']; $values['data']['reboot-duration'] = $values['reboot-duration']; if(!empty($values['reboot-delay'])) { $newsecretkey = count($values['var-value']); $values['var-id'][$newsecretkey] = 'reboot-delay'; $values['var-issecret'][$newsecretkey] = false; $values['var-value'][$newsecretkey] = (int)$values['reboot-delay']; $newsecretkey = count($values['var-value']); $values['var-id'][$newsecretkey] = 'reboot-delay-secs'; $values['var-issecret'][$newsecretkey] = false; $values['var-value'][$newsecretkey] = (int)$values['reboot-delay'] * 60; } break; case 'http': $parsedUrl = parse_url($values['url']); $values['data']['url'] = $values['url']; $values['data']['http-status'] = explode(',', $values['http-status']); $values['data']['basicauth-username'] = $values['basicauth-username']; if(empty($parsedUrl['host'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Some data was invalid'); } if(!empty($values['basicauth-password'])) { $newsecretkey = count($values['var-value']); $values['var-id'][$newsecretkey] = 'basicauth-password'; $values['var-issecret'][$newsecretkey] = true; $values['var-value'][$newsecretkey] = $values['basicauth-password']; } $values['data']['host'] = $parsedUrl['host']; break; } switch($values['data']['hosttype']) { default: if($values['data']['crontype'] == 'http') break; $values['data']['hosttype'] = 'local'; case 'local': $values['data']['host'] = 'localhost'; break; case 'ssh': $values['data']['host'] = $values['host']; $values['data']['user'] = $values['user']; if(!empty($values['privkey-password'])) { $newsecretkey = count($values['var-value']); $values['var-id'][$newsecretkey] = 'privkey-password'; $values['var-issecret'][$newsecretkey] = true; $values['var-value'][$newsecretkey] = $values['privkey-password']; } $privkeyid = NULL; if(!empty($_FILES['privkey']['tmp_name'])) { $newsecretkey = count($values['var-value']); $privkeyid = $newsecretkey; $values['var-id'][$newsecretkey] = 'ssh-privkey'; $values['var-issecret'][$newsecretkey] = true; $values['var-value'][$newsecretkey] = base64_encode(file_get_contents($_FILES['privkey']['tmp_name'])); } if(isset($values['privkey-keep']) && $values['privkey-keep'] == true) { $privkeyid = ($privkeyid === NULL) ? count($values['var-value']) : $privkeyid ; $values['var-id'][$privkeyid] = 'ssh-privkey'; $values['var-issecret'][$privkeyid] = true; $values['var-value'][$privkeyid] = $values['privkey-orig']; } break; } switch($values['data']['containertype']) { default: if($values['data']['crontype'] == 'http' || $values['data']['crontype'] == 'reboot' ) break; $values['data']['containertype'] = 'none'; case 'none': // No options for no container break; case 'docker': $values['data']['service'] = $values['service']; $values['data']['container-user'] = $values['container-user']; break; } if(!empty($values['var-value'])) { foreach($values['var-value'] as $key => $name) { if(!empty($name)) { if(isset($values['var-issecret'][$key]) && $values['var-issecret'][$key] != false) { $values['data']['vars'][$values['var-id'][$key]]['issecret'] = true; $values['data']['vars'][$values['var-id'][$key]]['value'] = base64_encode(Secret::encrypt($values['var-value'][$key])); } else { $values['data']['vars'][$values['var-id'][$key]]['issecret'] = false; $values['data']['vars'][$values['var-id'][$key]]['value'] = $values['var-value'][$key]; } } } } return $values; } public function getJob(int $id, bool $withSecrets = false) { $jobSql = "SELECT * FROM job WHERE id = :id"; $jobStmt = $this->dbcon->prepare($jobSql); $jobRslt = $jobStmt->executeQuery([':id' => $id])->fetchAssociative(); $jobRslt['data'] = json_decode($jobRslt['data'], true); if(!empty($jobRslt['data']['vars'])) { foreach ($jobRslt['data']['vars'] as $key => &$value) { if ($value['issecret']) { $value['value'] = ($withSecrets) ? Secret::decrypt(base64_decode($value['value'])) : ''; } } } switch($jobRslt['data']['crontype']) { case 'http': if(isset($jobRslt['data']['vars']['basicauth-password']['value'])) { $jobRslt['data']['basicauth-password'] = $jobRslt['data']['vars']['basicauth-password']['value']; unset($jobRslt['data']['vars']['basicauth-password']); } break; case 'reboot': $jobRslt['data']['reboot-delay'] = $jobRslt['data']['vars']['reboot-delay']['value']; $jobRslt['data']['reboot-delay-secs'] = $jobRslt['data']['vars']['reboot-delay-secs']['value']; unset($jobRslt['data']['vars']['reboot-delay']); unset($jobRslt['data']['vars']['reboot-delay-secs']); break; } switch($jobRslt['data']['hosttype']) { case 'ssh': if(isset($jobRslt['data']['vars']['ssh-privkey']['value'])) { $jobRslt['data']['ssh-privkey'] = $jobRslt['data']['vars']['ssh-privkey']['value']; unset($jobRslt['data']['vars']['ssh-privkey']); } if(isset($jobRslt['data']['vars']['privkey-password']['value'])) { $jobRslt['data']['privkey-password'] = $jobRslt['data']['vars']['privkey-password']['value']; unset($jobRslt['data']['vars']['privkey-password']); } break; } if($jobRslt['data']['crontype'] == 'http') { } return $jobRslt; } public function deleteJob(int $id) { $addJobSql = "DELETE FROM job WHERE id = :id"; $addJobStmt = $this->dbcon->prepare($addJobSql); $addJobStmt->executeQuery([':id' => $id]); return ['success' => true, 'message' => 'Cronjob succesfully deleted']; } }