kernel = $kernel; $this->doctrine = $doctrine; parent::__construct(); } protected function configure() { $this ->setHelp('This command runs a single command') ->addArgument('jobid', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The id of the job to be run'); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $jobRepo = $this->doctrine->getRepository(Job::class); $jobId = (int)$input->getArgument('jobid'); $job = $jobRepo->find($jobId); if($job === NULL) { $output->writeln('Job does not exist'); return Command::FAILURE; } $jobRunning = $jobRepo->isLockedJob($job); if($jobRunning) { $output->writeln('Job is already running'); return Command::FAILURE; } $jobRepo->setJobRunning($job, true); $jobRepo->setTempVar($job, 'consolerun', true); $result = $jobRepo->runNow($job, true); if($job->getData('crontype') == 'reboot') { $sleeping = true; while($sleeping) { if(time() >= $job->getRunning()) $sleeping = false; sleep(1); } $result = $jobRepo->runNow($job, true); } $jobRepo->setJobRunning($job, false); $jobRepo->setTempVar($job, 'consolerun', false); $output->write($result['output']); if($result['success']) { $output->writeln('Job succeeded with in ' . number_format($result['runtime'], 3) . 'secs with exitcode ' . $result['exitcode']); return Command::SUCCESS; } else { $output->writeln('Job failed in ' . number_format($result['runtime'], 3) . 'secs with exitcode ' . $result['exitcode']); return Command::FAILURE; } } }