getTemplateDir()]); $this->environment = new Environment($loader); if($_ENV['DEBUG'] != 'true') { $cache = new FilesystemCache($kernel->getCacheDir() . '/twig'); $this->environment->setCache($cache); } $this->kernel = $kernel; $this->addExtensions(); $this->addFunctions(); $this->addFilters(); } public function render(string $template, array $vars = []): string { return $this->environment->render($template, $vars); } public function addExtensions() { $this->environment->addExtension(new IntlExtension()); $this->environment->addExtension(new EntryFilesTwigExtension(new EntrypointLookup('./public/build/entrypoints.json'))); } public function addFunctions() { $path = new TwigFunction('path', function(string $route, array $params = []) { return $this->kernel->getRouter()->getUrlForRoute($route, $params); }); $this->environment->addFunction($path); } public function addFilters() { $secondsToInterval = new TwigFilter('interval', function(int|float $time) { $return = ''; $days = floor($time / (60 * 60 * 24)); $time -= $days * (60 * 60 * 24); $return .= ($days != 0) ? "{$days}d " : ''; $hours = floor($time / (60 * 60)); $time -= $hours * (60 * 60); $return .= ($hours != 0) ? "{$hours}h " : ''; $minutes = floor($time / 60); $time -= $minutes * 60; $return .= ($minutes != 0) ? "{$minutes}m " : ''; $time = round($time, 3); $return .= ($time != 0) ? "{$time}s " : ''; return $return; }); $parseTags = new TwigFilter('parsetags', function(string $text) { $results = []; preg_match_all('/\[([A-Za-z0-9 \-]+)\]/', $text, $results); foreach ($results[0] as $key=>$result) { $background = substr(md5($results[0][$key]), 0, 6); $color = $this->lightOrDark($background) == 'dark' ? 'ffffff' : '000000'; $text = str_replace($results[0][$key], '' . $results[1][$key] . '', $text); } return $text; }); $this->environment->addFilter($secondsToInterval); $this->environment->addFilter($parseTags); } private function lightOrDark ($color) { $color = str_split($color, 2); foreach($color as &$value) { $value = hexdec($value); } // HSP (Highly Sensitive Poo) equation from $hsp = sqrt( 0.299 * ($color[0] * $color[0]) + 0.587 * ($color[1] * $color[1]) + 0.114 * ($color[2] * $color[2]) ); // Using the HSP value, determine whether the color is light or dark if ($hsp>140) { return 'light'; } else { return 'dark'; } } }