################ ### DATABASE ### ################ ## Look at the url below to create a database URL ## https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-dbal/en/latest/reference/configuration.html#connecting-using-a-url ## Mysql sample DATABASE="mysql://root:letmein@localhost:3306/webcron?charset=UTF8" ## Sqlite sample DATABASE="sqlite://storage/database.sqlite" ############### ### SECRETS ### ############### ## This secret value is used to encrypt secret values (eg. ssh-keys, http-auth passwords, etc) ## You should consider your already stored secret values lost when changing this value. SECRET=ImNotThatSecretSoPleaseChangeMe0123456789 ENCRYPTION_METHOD="AES-256-CBC" HASHING_METHOD="sha256" ############### ### COOKIES ### ############### ## This secret value is used to encrypt secret values (eg. ssh-keys, http-auth passwords, etc) ## You should consider your already stored secret values lost when changing this value. COOKIE_LIFETIME=2592000 ## TRUSTED_PROXIES is a useful variable when using Docker and/or a reverse proxy. ## Set it to the IP address of your proxy. YOu can set to multiple proxies by comma-separating them TRUSTED_PROXIES=