kernel = $kernel; $this->doctrine = $doctrine; parent::__construct(); } protected function configure() { $this ->setHelp('This command is the daemon process of webcron, enabling webcron to actually run jobs on time') ->addOption('time-limit', 't', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Time limit in seconds before stopping the daemon.') ->addOption('async', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NEGATABLE, 'Time limit in seconds before stopping the daemon.'); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) : int { ini_set('memory_limit', '4G'); $jobRepo = $this->doctrine->getRepository(Job::class); $timelimit = $input->getOption('time-limit') ?? false; $async = $input->getOption('async') ?? function_exists('pcntl_fork'); if ($timelimit === false) { $endofscript = false; } elseif(is_numeric($timelimit)) { $endofscript = time() + $timelimit; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Time limit has incorrect value'); } $jobRepo->unlockJob(); file_put_contents($this->kernel->getCacheDir() . '/daemon-running.lock', time()); while(1) { if($endofscript !== false && time() > $endofscript) break; $jobsToRun = $jobRepo->getJobsDue(); if(!empty($jobsToRun)) { foreach($jobsToRun as $key=>$job) { if ($job->getData('crontype') == 'reboot') { $str = @file_get_contents('/proc/uptime'); $num = floatval($str); $rebootedself = ($num < $job->getData('reboot-duration') * 60); $consolerun = $jobRepo->getTempVar($job, 'consolerun', false); if ($consolerun && !$rebootedself) continue; } $manual = ''; if($jobRepo->getTempVar($job, 'webhook', false)) { $manual = 'Webhook'; } elseif($job->getRunning() > 1) { $manual = 'Manual'; }; $jobRepo->setJobRunning($job, true); $output->writeln('Running Job ' . $job->getId()); if($async) { declare(ticks = 1); pcntl_signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); $pid = pcntl_fork(); $this->doctrine->getConnection()->close(); $jobRepo = $this->doctrine->getRepository(Job::class); } if((!$async || $pid == -1) || $pid == 0) { $result = $jobRepo->RunJob($job, $manual); if ($result['status'] == 'ran') $jobRepo->setJobRunning($job, false); if (isset($pid) && $pid == 0) exit; } unset($jobsToRun[$key]); unset($job); } } $this->doctrine->getManager()->clear(); file_put_contents($this->kernel->getCacheDir() . '/daemon-running.lock', time()); $maxwait = time() + 30; $nextrun = max($jobRepo->getTimeOfNextRun(), time() + 1); $sleepuntil = min($maxwait, $nextrun); if($sleepuntil > time()) time_sleep_until($sleepuntil); gc_collect_cycles(); } $output->writeln('Ended after ' . $timelimit . ' seconds'); pcntl_wait($status); unlink($this->kernel->getCacheDir() . '/daemon-running.lock'); return Command::SUCCESS; } }