Jeroen De Meerleer f06c804c24
Updated response handling and added 404 page
The code changes include an update to the response handling in index.php. Now, it checks if the request URI is '/metrics'. If so, it continues with the previous behavior of executing a script and outputting its result. If not, it loads a new 404 error page using Twig templating engine.

A new file '404.twig' has been added under templates directory which serves as a custom 404 error page. It displays the requested URI and provides a link back to '/metrics'.
2024-06-13 16:03:44 +02:00

17 lines
617 B

if($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] == '/metrics') {
header('Content-Type: text/plain; version=0.0.4');
$config = getenv('CONFIG_FILE');
$phpbin = getenv('PHP_BINARY');
$output = shell_exec('CONFIG_FILE="' . $config . '" ' . $phpbin . ' ' . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'script.php');
echo $output;
} else {
$loader = new \Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader('templates');
$twig = new \Twig\Environment($loader, [
'cache' => 'twig_cache',
echo $twig->render('404.twig', ['path' => $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]]);