2020-03-19 16:45:31 +01:00

224 lines
8.6 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: (c) 2019, Dag Wieers (@dagwieers) <dag@wieers.com>
# GNU General Public License v3.0 (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
''' This file implements the Kodi xbmcgui module, either using stubs or alternative functionality '''
# pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-many-arguments,unused-argument
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from xbmcextra import kodi_to_ansi
class Dialog:
''' A reimplementation of the xbmcgui Dialog class '''
def __init__(self):
''' A stub constructor for the xbmcgui Dialog class '''
def notification(heading, message, icon=None, time=None, sound=None):
''' A working implementation for the xbmcgui Dialog class notification() method '''
heading = kodi_to_ansi(heading)
message = kodi_to_ansi(message)
print('\033[37;44;1mNOTIFICATION:\033[35;49;1m [%s] \033[37;1m%s\033[39;0m' % (heading, message))
def ok(heading, line1, line2=None, line3=None):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui Dialog class ok() method '''
heading = kodi_to_ansi(heading)
line1 = kodi_to_ansi(line1)
print('\033[37;44;1mOK:\033[35;49;1m [%s] \033[37;1m%s\033[39;0m' % (heading, line1))
def info(listitem):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui Dialog class info() method '''
def multiselect(heading, options, autoclose=0, preselect=None, useDetails=False): # pylint: disable=useless-return
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui Dialog class multiselect() method '''
if preselect is None:
preselect = []
heading = kodi_to_ansi(heading)
print('\033[37;44;1mMULTISELECT:\033[35;49;1m [%s] \033[37;1m%s\033[39;0m' % (heading, ', '.join(options)))
return None
def contextmenu(items):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui Dialog class contextmenu() method '''
print('\033[37;44;1mCONTEXTMENU:\033[35;49;1m \033[37;1m%s\033[39;0m' % (', '.join(items)))
return -1
def yesno(heading, line1, line2=None, line3=None, nolabel=None, yeslabel=None, autoclose=0):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui Dialog class yesno() method '''
heading = kodi_to_ansi(heading)
line1 = kodi_to_ansi(line1)
print('\033[37;44;1mYESNO:\033[35;49;1m [%s] \033[37;1m%s\033[39;0m' % (heading, line1))
return True
def textviewer(heading, text=None, usemono=None):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui Dialog class textviewer() method '''
heading = kodi_to_ansi(heading)
text = kodi_to_ansi(text)
print('\033[37;44;1mTEXTVIEWER:\033[35;49;1m [%s]\n\033[37;1m%s\033[39;0m' % (heading, text))
def browseSingle(type, heading, shares, mask=None, useThumbs=None, treatAsFolder=None, default=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui Dialog class browseSingle() method '''
print('\033[37;44;1mBROWSESINGLE:\033[35;49;1m [%s] \033[37;1m%s\033[39;0m' % (type, heading))
return 'special://masterprofile/addon_data/script.module.inputstreamhelper/'
class DialogProgress:
''' A reimplementation of the xbmcgui DialogProgress '''
def __init__(self):
''' A stub constructor for the xbmcgui DialogProgress class '''
self.percentage = 0
def close():
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui DialogProgress class close() method '''
def create(heading, line1, line2=None, line3=None):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui DialogProgress class create() method '''
heading = kodi_to_ansi(heading)
line1 = kodi_to_ansi(line1)
print('\033[37;44;1mPROGRESS:\033[35;49;1m [%s] \033[37;1m%s\033[39;0m' % (heading, line1))
def iscanceled():
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui DialogProgress class iscanceled() method '''
return True
def update(self, percentage, line1=None, line2=None, line3=None):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui DialogProgress class update() method '''
if (percentage - 5) < self.percentage:
self.percentage = percentage
line1 = kodi_to_ansi(line1)
line2 = kodi_to_ansi(line2)
line3 = kodi_to_ansi(line3)
if line1 or line2 or line3:
print('\033[37;44;1mPROGRESS:\033[35;49;1m [%d%%] \033[37;1m%s\033[39;0m' % (percentage, line1 or line2 or line3))
print('\033[1G\033[37;44;1mPROGRESS:\033[35;49;1m [%d%%]\033[39;0m' % (percentage), end='')
class DialogProgressBG:
''' A reimplementation of the xbmcgui DialogProgressBG '''
def __init__(self):
''' A stub constructor for the xbmcgui DialogProgressBG class '''
self.percentage = 0
def close():
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui DialogProgressBG class close() method '''
def create(heading, message):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui DialogProgressBG class create() method '''
heading = kodi_to_ansi(heading)
message = kodi_to_ansi(message)
print('\033[37;44;1mPROGRESS:\033[35;49;1m [%s] \033[37;1m%s\033[39;0m' % (heading, message))
def isfinished():
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui DialogProgressBG class isfinished() method '''
def update(self, percentage, heading=None, message=None):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui DialogProgressBG class update() method '''
if (percentage - 5) < self.percentage:
self.percentage = percentage
message = kodi_to_ansi(message)
if message:
print('\033[37;44;1mPROGRESS:\033[35;49;1m [%d%%] \033[37;1m%s\033[39;0m' % (percentage, message))
print('\033[1G\033[37;44;1mPROGRESS:\033[35;49;1m [%d%%]\033[39;0m' % (percentage), end='')
class DialogBusy:
''' A reimplementation of the xbmcgui DialogBusy '''
def __init__(self):
''' A stub constructor for the xbmcgui DialogBusy class '''
def close():
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui DialogBusy class close() method '''
def create():
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui DialogBusy class create() method '''
class ListItem:
''' A reimplementation of the xbmcgui ListItem class '''
def __init__(self, label='', label2='', iconImage='', thumbnailImage='', path='', offscreen=False):
''' A stub constructor for the xbmcgui ListItem class '''
self.label = kodi_to_ansi(label)
self.label2 = kodi_to_ansi(label2)
self.path = path
def addContextMenuItems(items, replaceItems=False):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui ListItem class addContextMenuItems() method '''
def addStreamInfo(stream_type, stream_values):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui LitItem class addStreamInfo() method '''
def setArt(key):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui ListItem class setArt() method '''
def setContentLookup(enable):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui ListItem class setContentLookup() method '''
def setInfo(type, infoLabels): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui ListItem class setInfo() method '''
def setIsFolder(isFolder):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui ListItem class setIsFolder() method '''
def setMimeType(mimetype):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui ListItem class setMimeType() method '''
def setPath(self, path):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui ListItem class setPath() method '''
self.path = path
def setProperty(key, value):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui ListItem class setProperty() method '''
def setProperties(dictionary):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui ListItem class setProperties() method '''
def setSubtitles(subtitleFiles):
''' A stub implementation for the xbmcgui ListItem class setSubtitles() method '''