graysky 847b6ec656 better ExecStop to cleanly exit fixes #23 and #24
Direct call to kodi-xxx in ExecStart= allows direction of kill signal to that
rather than to kodi-standalone wrapper.  This allows the kill signal to hit
the indented executable.  As well, using killall in the ExecStop= allows for
synchronous stopping and for kodi to do shutdown housekeeping tasks such as
saving settings, stopping services (web, zeroconf, etc.) and unloading things.
2020-10-24 14:52:18 -04:00

16 lines
414 B

# override these settings by copying this to /etc/sysusers.d/ and modifying it therein
# Type Name ID GECOS Home directory Shell
g kodi - -
u kodi - "Kodi User" /var/lib/kodi
# supplemental groups
m kodi audio
m kodi optical
m kodi uucp
m kodi video
# uncomment the following line for Ubunutu users needing access to /etc/ttyxxxx
# m kodi dialout