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56 lines
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date: 2016-03-08T21:07:13+01:00
title: Material for Hugo
type: index
weight: 0
## Beautiful documentation
Material is a theme for [Hugo](https://gohugo.io), a fast and flexible static site generator. It is built using Google's [material design](https://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design/introduction.html)
guidelines, fully responsive, optimized for touch and pointer devices as well
as all sorts of screen sizes.

Material is very lightweight – it is built from scratch using Javascript and
CSS that weighs less than 30kb (minified, gzipped and excluding Google Fonts
and Analytics). Yet, it is highly customizable and degrades gracefully in older
## Quick start
Install with `git`:
git clone git@github.com:digitalcraftsman/hugo-material-docs.git themes/hugo-material-docs
## Features
- Beautiful, readable and very user-friendly design based on Google's material
design guidelines, packed in a full responsive template with a well-defined
and [easily customizable color palette]({{< relref "getting-started/index.md#changing-the-color-palette" >}}), great typography, as well as a
beautiful search interface and footer.
- Well-tested and optimized Javascript and CSS including a cross-browser
fixed/sticky header, a drawer that even works without Javascript using
the [checkbox hack](http://tutorialzine.com/2015/08/quick-tip-css-only-dropdowns-with-the-checkbox-hack/) with fallbacks, responsive tables that scroll when
the screen is too small and well-defined print styles.
- Extra configuration options like a [project logo]({{< relref "getting-started/index.md#adding-a-logo" >}}), links to the authors
[GitHub and Twitter accounts]({{< relref "getting-started/index.md#adding-a-github-and-twitter-account" >}}) and display of the amount of stars the
project has on GitHub.
- Web application capability on iOS – when the page is saved to the homescreen,
it behaves and looks like a native application.
See the [getting started guide]({{< relref "getting-started/index.md" >}}) for instructions how to get
it up and running.
## Acknowledgements
Last but not least a big thank you to [Martin Donath](https://github.com/squidfunk). He created the original [Material theme](https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material) for Hugo's companion [MkDocs](http://www.mkdocs.org/). This port wouldn't be possible without him.
Furthermore, thanks to [Steve Francia](https://gihub.com/spf13) for creating Hugo and the [awesome community](https://github.com/spf13/hugo/graphs/contributors) around the project.