delete the docs folder
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<h1>Contributing </h1>
<p>Your contribution is more than welcome.</p>
<h2 id="i-have-a-question-problem">I have a Question/Problem</h2>
<p>If you have questions about how to use Laradock, please direct your questions to the discussion on <a href="">Gitter</a>. If you believe your question could help others, then consider opening an <a href="">Issue</a> (it will be labeled as <code>Question</code>) And you can still seek help on Gitter for it.</p>
<h2 id="i-found-an-issue">I found an Issue</h2>
<p>If have an issue or you found a typo in the documentation, you can help us by
opnening an <a href="">Issue</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Steps to do before opening an Issue:</strong></p>
<li><p>Before you submit your issue search the archive, maybe your question was already answered couple hours ago (search in the closed Issues as well).</p></li>
<li><p>Decide if the Issue belongs to this project or to <a href="">Docker</a> itself! or even the tool you are using such as Nginx or MongoDB…</p></li>
<p>If your issue appears to be a bug, and hasn’t been reported, then open a new issue.</p>
<p><em>This Help us to maximize the effort we can spend fixing issues and adding new
features, by not reporting duplicate issues.</em></p>
<h2 id="i-want-a-feature">I want a Feature</h2>
<p>You can request a new feature by submitting an <a href="">Issue</a> (it will be labeled as <code>Feature Suggestion</code>). If you would like to implement a new feature then consider submitting a Pull Request yourself.</p>
<h2 id="i-want-to-update-the-documentation-site">I want to update the Documentation (Site)</h2>
<p>Laradock uses <a href="">Hugo</a> as website generator tool, with the <a href="">Material Docs theme</a>. You might need to check their docs quickly.</p>
<p>Go the <code>DOCUMENTATION/content</code> and search for the markdown file you want to edit</p>
<p>Note: Every folder represents a section in the sidebar “Menu”. And every page and sidebar has a <code>weight</code> number to show it’s position in the site.</p>
<p>To update the sidebar or add a new section to it, you can edit this <code>DOCUMENTATION/config.toml</code> toml file.</p>
<p>The site will be auto-generated in the <code>docs/</code> folder by <a href="">Travis CI</a>.</p>
<h3 id="to-host-the-website-locally">To Host the website locally</h3>
<li>Install <a href="">Hugo</a> on your machine.</li>
<li>Edit the <code>DOCUMENTATION/content</code>.</li>
<li>Delete the <code>/docs</code> folder from the root.</li>
<li>After you finish the editing, go to <code>DOCUMENTATION/</code> and run the <code>hugo</code> command to generate the HTML docs (inside a new <code>/docs</code> folder).</li>
<h2 id="how-to-support-new-software-add-new-container">How to support new Software (Add new Container)</h2>
<li><p>Create folder with the software name.</p></li>
<li><p>Add a <code>Dockerfile</code>, write your code there.</p></li>
<li><p>You may add additional files in the software folder.</p></li>
<li><p>Add the software to the <code>docker-compose.yml</code> file.</p></li>
<li><p>Make sure you follow our commenting style.</p></li>
<li><p>Add the software in the <code>Documentation</code>.</p></li>
<h2 id="edit-existing-software-edit-a-container">Edit existing Software (Edit a Container)</h2>
<li><p>Open the software (container) folder.</p></li>
<li><p>Edit the files you want to update.</p></li>
<li><p><strong>Note:</strong> If you want to edit the base image of the <code>Workspace</code> or the <code>php-fpm</code> Containers,
you need to edit their Docker-files from their GitHub repositories. For more info read their Dockerfiles comment on the Laradock repository.</p></li>
<li><p>Make sure to update the <code>Documentation</code> in case you made any changes.</p></li>
<h2 id="pull-request">Pull Request</h2>
<h3 id="1-before-submitting-a-pull-request-pr">1. Before Submitting a Pull Request (PR)</h3>
<p>Always Test everything and make sure its working:</p>
<li>Pull the latest updates (or fork of you don’t have permission)</li>
<li>Before editing anything:
<li>Test building the container (docker-compose build –no-cache container-name) build with no cache first.</li>
<li>Test running the container with some other containers in real app and see of everything is working fine.</li>
<li>Now edit the container (edit section by section and test rebuilding the container after every edited section)
<li>Testing building the container (docker-compose build container-name) with no errors.</li>
<li>Test it in a real App if possible.</li>
<h3 id="2-submitting-a-pr">2. Submitting a PR</h3>
<p>Consider the following guidelines:</p>
<li><p>Search <a href="">GitHub</a> for an open or closed Pull Request that relates to your submission. You don’t want to duplicate efforts.</p></li>
<li><p>Make your changes in a new git branch:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell"> git checkout -b my-fix-branch master
<li><p>Commit your changes using a descriptive commit message.</p></li>
<li><p>Push your branch to GitHub:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">git push origin my-fix-branch
<li><p>In GitHub, send a pull request to <code>laradock:master</code>.</p></li>
<li><p>If we suggest changes then:</p>
<li>Make the required updates.</li>
<li>Commit your changes to your branch (e.g. <code>my-fix-branch</code>).</li>
<li>Push the changes to your GitHub repository (this will update your Pull Request).</li>
<p>If the PR gets too outdated we may ask you to rebase and force push to update the PR:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">git rebase master -i
git push origin my-fix-branch -f
<p><em>WARNING. Squashing or reverting commits and forced push thereafter may remove GitHub comments on code that were previously made by you and others in your commits.</em></p>
<h3 id="3-after-your-pr-is-merged">3. After your PR is merged</h3>
<p>After your pull request is merged, you can safely delete your branch and pull the changes from the main (upstream) repository:</p>
<li><p>Delete the remote branch on GitHub either through the GitHub web UI or your local shell as follows:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">git push origin --delete my-fix-branch
<li><p>Check out the master branch:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">git checkout master -f
<li><p>Delete the local branch:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">git branch -D my-fix-branch
<li><p>Update your master with the latest upstream version:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">git pull --ff upstream master
<h4 id="happy-coding">Happy Coding :)</h4>
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<title>Contributings on Laradock</title>
<description>Recent content in Contributings on Laradock</description>
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<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<p>Your contribution is more than welcome.</p>
<h2 id="i-have-a-question-problem">I have a Question/Problem</h2>
<p>If you have questions about how to use Laradock, please direct your questions to the discussion on <a href="">Gitter</a>. If you believe your question could help others, then consider opening an <a href="">Issue</a> (it will be labeled as <code>Question</code>) And you can still seek help on Gitter for it.</p>
<h2 id="i-found-an-issue">I found an Issue</h2>
<p>If have an issue or you found a typo in the documentation, you can help us by
opnening an <a href="">Issue</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Steps to do before opening an Issue:</strong></p>
<li><p>Before you submit your issue search the archive, maybe your question was already answered couple hours ago (search in the closed Issues as well).</p></li>
<li><p>Decide if the Issue belongs to this project or to <a href="">Docker</a> itself! or even the tool you are using such as Nginx or MongoDB&hellip;</p></li>
<p>If your issue appears to be a bug, and hasn&rsquo;t been reported, then open a new issue.</p>
<p><em>This Help us to maximize the effort we can spend fixing issues and adding new
features, by not reporting duplicate issues.</em></p>
<h2 id="i-want-a-feature">I want a Feature</h2>
<p>You can request a new feature by submitting an <a href="">Issue</a> (it will be labeled as <code>Feature Suggestion</code>). If you would like to implement a new feature then consider submitting a Pull Request yourself.</p>
<h2 id="i-want-to-update-the-documentation-site">I want to update the Documentation (Site)</h2>
<p>Laradock uses <a href="">Hugo</a> as website generator tool, with the <a href="">Material Docs theme</a>. You might need to check their docs quickly.</p>
<p>Go the <code>DOCUMENTATION/content</code> and search for the markdown file you want to edit</p>
<p>Note: Every folder represents a section in the sidebar &ldquo;Menu&rdquo;. And every page and sidebar has a <code>weight</code> number to show it&rsquo;s position in the site.</p>
<p>To update the sidebar or add a new section to it, you can edit this <code>DOCUMENTATION/config.toml</code> toml file.</p>
<p>The site will be auto-generated in the <code>docs/</code> folder by <a href="">Travis CI</a>.</p>
<h3 id="to-host-the-website-locally">To Host the website locally</h3>
<li>Install <a href="">Hugo</a> on your machine.</li>
<li>Edit the <code>DOCUMENTATION/content</code>.</li>
<li>Delete the <code>/docs</code> folder from the root.</li>
<li>After you finish the editing, go to <code>DOCUMENTATION/</code> and run the <code>hugo</code> command to generate the HTML docs (inside a new <code>/docs</code> folder).</li>
<h2 id="how-to-support-new-software-add-new-container">How to support new Software (Add new Container)</h2>
<li><p>Create folder with the software name.</p></li>
<li><p>Add a <code>Dockerfile</code>, write your code there.</p></li>
<li><p>You may add additional files in the software folder.</p></li>
<li><p>Add the software to the <code>docker-compose.yml</code> file.</p></li>
<li><p>Make sure you follow our commenting style.</p></li>
<li><p>Add the software in the <code>Documentation</code>.</p></li>
<h2 id="edit-existing-software-edit-a-container">Edit existing Software (Edit a Container)</h2>
<li><p>Open the software (container) folder.</p></li>
<li><p>Edit the files you want to update.</p></li>
<li><p><strong>Note:</strong> If you want to edit the base image of the <code>Workspace</code> or the <code>php-fpm</code> Containers,
you need to edit their Docker-files from their GitHub repositories. For more info read their Dockerfiles comment on the Laradock repository.</p></li>
<li><p>Make sure to update the <code>Documentation</code> in case you made any changes.</p></li>
<h2 id="pull-request">Pull Request</h2>
<h3 id="1-before-submitting-a-pull-request-pr">1. Before Submitting a Pull Request (PR)</h3>
<p>Always Test everything and make sure its working:</p>
<li>Pull the latest updates (or fork of you don’t have permission)</li>
<li>Before editing anything:
<li>Test building the container (docker-compose build &ndash;no-cache container-name) build with no cache first.</li>
<li>Test running the container with some other containers in real app and see of everything is working fine.</li>
<li>Now edit the container (edit section by section and test rebuilding the container after every edited section)
<li>Testing building the container (docker-compose build container-name) with no errors.</li>
<li>Test it in a real App if possible.</li>
<h3 id="2-submitting-a-pr">2. Submitting a PR</h3>
<p>Consider the following guidelines:</p>
<li><p>Search <a href="">GitHub</a> for an open or closed Pull Request that relates to your submission. You don&rsquo;t want to duplicate efforts.</p></li>
<li><p>Make your changes in a new git branch:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell"> git checkout -b my-fix-branch master
<li><p>Commit your changes using a descriptive commit message.</p></li>
<li><p>Push your branch to GitHub:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">git push origin my-fix-branch
<li><p>In GitHub, send a pull request to <code>laradock:master</code>.</p></li>
<li><p>If we suggest changes then:</p>
<li>Make the required updates.</li>
<li>Commit your changes to your branch (e.g. <code>my-fix-branch</code>).</li>
<li>Push the changes to your GitHub repository (this will update your Pull Request).</li>
<p>If the PR gets too outdated we may ask you to rebase and force push to update the PR:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">git rebase master -i
git push origin my-fix-branch -f
<p><em>WARNING. Squashing or reverting commits and forced push thereafter may remove GitHub comments on code that were previously made by you and others in your commits.</em></p>
<h3 id="3-after-your-pr-is-merged">3. After your PR is merged</h3>
<p>After your pull request is merged, you can safely delete your branch and pull the changes from the main (upstream) repository:</p>
<li><p>Delete the remote branch on GitHub either through the GitHub web UI or your local shell as follows:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">git push origin --delete my-fix-branch
<li><p>Check out the master branch:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">git checkout master -f
<li><p>Delete the local branch:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">git branch -D my-fix-branch
<li><p>Update your master with the latest upstream version:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">git pull --ff upstream master
<h4 id="happy-coding">Happy Coding :)</h4>
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Binary file not shown.
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<h1>Getting Started </h1>
<h2 id="requirements">Requirements</h2>
<li><a href="">Git</a></li>
<li><a href="">Docker</a> <code>>= 1.12</code></li>
<h2 id="installation">Installation</h2>
<p>Choose the setup the best suits your needs.</p>
<li><a href="#A">A) Setup for Single Project</a>
<li><a href="#A1">A.1) Already have a PHP project</a></li>
<li><a href="#A2">A.2) Don’t have a PHP project yet</a></li>
<li><a href="#B">B) Setup for Multiple Projects</a></li>
<p><a name="A"></a></p>
<h3 id="a-setup-for-single-project">A) Setup for Single Project</h3>
<p>(Follow these steps if you want a separate Docker environment for each project)</p>
<p><a name="A1"></a></p>
<h3 id="a-1-already-have-a-php-project">A.1) Already have a PHP project:</h3>
<p>1 - Clone laradock on your project root directory:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">git submodule add
<li><p>If you are not using Git yet for your project, you can use <code>git clone</code> instead of <code>git submodule</code>.</p></li>
<li><p>Note 2: To keep track of your Laradock changes, between your projects and also keep Laradock updated. <a href="">Check this</a></p></li>
<p>Your folder structure should look like this:</p>
<pre><code>+ project-a
+ laradock-a
+ project-b
+ laradock-b
<p>(It’s important to rename the folders differently in each project.)</p>
<p><strong>Now jump to the <a href="#Usage">Usage</a> section.</strong></p>
<p><a name="A2"></a></p>
<h3 id="a-2-don-t-have-a-php-project-yet">A.2) Don’t have a PHP project yet:</h3>
<p>1 - Clone this repository anywhere on your machine:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">git clone
<p>Your folder structure should look like this:</p>
<pre><code>+ laradock
+ project-z
<p>2 - Edit your web server sites configuration.</p>
<p><strong>In case of NGINX:</strong> open <code>nginx/sites/default.conf</code> and change the <code>root</code> from <code>/var/www/public</code> to <code>/var/www/{my-project-folder-name}/public</code>.</p>
<p><em>Or you can keep <code>default.conf</code> as it is, and create a separate config <code>my-site.conf</code> file for it.</em></p>
<p><strong>In case of Apache:</strong> :P</p>
<p><strong>Now jump to the <a href="#Usage">Usage</a> section.</strong></p>
<p><a name="B"></a></p>
<h3 id="b-setup-for-multiple-projects">B) Setup for Multiple Projects:</h3>
<p>(Follow these steps if you want a single Docker environment for all your project)</p>
<p>1 - Clone this repository anywhere on your machine (similar to <a href="#A2">Steps A.2. from above</a>):</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">git clone
<p>Your folder structure should look like this:</p>
<pre><code>+ laradock
+ project-1
+ project-2
<p>2 - Go to <code>nginx/sites</code> and create config files to point to different project directory when visiting different domains.</p>
<p>Laradock by default includes <code>project-1.conf</code> and <code>project-2.conf</code> as working samples.</p>
<p>3 - change the default names <code>project-n</code>:</p>
<p>You can rename the config files, project folders and domains as you like, just make sure the <code>root</code> in the config files, is pointing to the correct project folder name.</p>
<p>4 - Add the domains to the <strong>hosts</strong> files.</p>
<p><strong>Now jump to the <a href="#Usage">Usage</a> section.</strong></p>
<p><a name="Usage"></a></p>
<h2 id="usage">Usage</h2>
<p><strong>Read Before starting:</strong></p>
<p>If you are using <strong>Docker Toolbox</strong> (VM), do one of the following:</p>
<li>Upgrade to Docker <a href="">Native</a> for Mac/Windows (Recommended). Check out <a href="">Upgrading Laradock</a></li>
<li>Use Laradock v3.*. Visit the <a href="">Laradock-ToolBox</a> branch. <em>(outdated)</em></li>
<p><strong>Warning:</strong> If you used an older version of Laradock it’s highly recommended to rebuild the containers you need to use <a href="#Build-Re-build-Containers">see how you rebuild a container</a> in order to prevent as much errors as possible.</p>
<p>1 - Enter the laradock folder and rename <code>env-example</code> to <code>.env</code></p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">cp env-example .env
<p>You can edit the <code>.env</code> file to chose which software’s you want to be installed in your environment. You can always refer to the <code>docker-compose.yml</code> file to see how those variables are been used.</p>
<p>2 - Build the enviroment and run it using <code>docker-compose</code></p>
<p>In this example we’ll see how to run NGINX (web server) and MySQL (database engine) to host a PHP Web Scripts:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">docker-compose up -d nginx mysql
<p><strong>Note</strong>: The <code>workspace</code> and <code>php-fpm</code> will run automatically in most of the cases, so no need to specify them in the <code>up</code> command. If you couldn’t find them running then you need specify them as follow: <code>docker-compose up -d nginx php-fpm mysql workspace</code>.</p>
<p>You can select your own combination of containers form <a href="">this list</a>.</p>
<p><em>(Please note that sometimes we forget to update the docs, so check the <code>docker-compose.yml</code> file to see an updated list of all available containers).</em></p>
3 - Enter the Workspace container, to execute commands like (Artisan, Composer, PHPUnit, Gulp, …)</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">docker-compose exec workspace bash
<p><em>Alternatively, for Windows PowerShell users: execute the following command to enter any running container:</em></p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">docker exec -it {workspace-container-id} bash
<p><strong>Note:</strong> You can add <code>--user=laradock</code> to have files created as your host’s user. Example:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">docker-compose exec --user=laradock workspace bash
<p><em>You can change the PUID (User id) and PGID (group id) variables from the <code>.env</code> file)</em></p>
4 - Update your project configurations to use the database host</p>
<p>Open your PHP project’s <code>.env</code> file or whichever configuration file you are reading from, and set the database host <code>DB_HOST</code> to <code>mysql</code>:</p>
<pre><code class="language-env">DB_HOST=mysql
<p><em>If you want to install Laravel as PHP project, see <a href="#Install-Laravel">How to Install Laravel in a Docker Container</a>.</em></p>
5 - Open your browser and visit your localhost address <code>http://localhost/</code>. If you followed the multiple projects setup, you can visit <code></code> and <code></code>. But first don’t</p>
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<h2 id="requirements">Requirements</h2>
<li><a href="">Git</a></li>
<li><a href="">Docker</a> <code>&gt;= 1.12</code></li>
<h2 id="installation">Installation</h2>
<p>Choose the setup the best suits your needs.</p>
<li><a href="#A">A) Setup for Single Project</a>
<li><a href="#A1">A.1) Already have a PHP project</a></li>
<li><a href="#A2">A.2) Don&rsquo;t have a PHP project yet</a></li>
<li><a href="#B">B) Setup for Multiple Projects</a></li>
<p><a name="A"></a></p>
<h3 id="a-setup-for-single-project">A) Setup for Single Project</h3>
<p>(Follow these steps if you want a separate Docker environment for each project)</p>
<p><a name="A1"></a></p>
<h3 id="a-1-already-have-a-php-project">A.1) Already have a PHP project:</h3>
<p>1 - Clone laradock on your project root directory:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">git submodule add
<li><p>If you are not using Git yet for your project, you can use <code>git clone</code> instead of <code>git submodule</code>.</p></li>
<li><p>Note 2: To keep track of your Laradock changes, between your projects and also keep Laradock updated. <a href="">Check this</a></p></li>
<p>Your folder structure should look like this:</p>
<pre><code>+ project-a
+ laradock-a
+ project-b
+ laradock-b
<p>(It&rsquo;s important to rename the folders differently in each project.)</p>
<p><strong>Now jump to the <a href="#Usage">Usage</a> section.</strong></p>
<p><a name="A2"></a></p>
<h3 id="a-2-don-t-have-a-php-project-yet">A.2) Don&rsquo;t have a PHP project yet:</h3>
<p>1 - Clone this repository anywhere on your machine:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">git clone
<p>Your folder structure should look like this:</p>
<pre><code>+ laradock
+ project-z
<p>2 - Edit your web server sites configuration.</p>
<p><strong>In case of NGINX:</strong> open <code>nginx/sites/default.conf</code> and change the <code>root</code> from <code>/var/www/public</code> to <code>/var/www/{my-project-folder-name}/public</code>.</p>
<p><em>Or you can keep <code>default.conf</code> as it is, and create a separate config <code>my-site.conf</code> file for it.</em></p>
<p><strong>In case of Apache:</strong> :P</p>
<p><strong>Now jump to the <a href="#Usage">Usage</a> section.</strong></p>
<p><a name="B"></a></p>
<h3 id="b-setup-for-multiple-projects">B) Setup for Multiple Projects:</h3>
<p>(Follow these steps if you want a single Docker environment for all your project)</p>
<p>1 - Clone this repository anywhere on your machine (similar to <a href="#A2">Steps A.2. from above</a>):</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">git clone
<p>Your folder structure should look like this:</p>
<pre><code>+ laradock
+ project-1
+ project-2
<p>2 - Go to <code>nginx/sites</code> and create config files to point to different project directory when visiting different domains.</p>
<p>Laradock by default includes <code>project-1.conf</code> and <code>project-2.conf</code> as working samples.</p>
<p>3 - change the default names <code>project-n</code>:</p>
<p>You can rename the config files, project folders and domains as you like, just make sure the <code>root</code> in the config files, is pointing to the correct project folder name.</p>
<p>4 - Add the domains to the <strong>hosts</strong> files.</p>
<p><strong>Now jump to the <a href="#Usage">Usage</a> section.</strong></p>
<p><a name="Usage"></a></p>
<h2 id="usage">Usage</h2>
<p><strong>Read Before starting:</strong></p>
<p>If you are using <strong>Docker Toolbox</strong> (VM), do one of the following:</p>
<li>Upgrade to Docker <a href="">Native</a> for Mac/Windows (Recommended). Check out <a href="">Upgrading Laradock</a></li>
<li>Use Laradock v3.*. Visit the <a href="">Laradock-ToolBox</a> branch. <em>(outdated)</em></li>
<p><strong>Warning:</strong> If you used an older version of Laradock it&rsquo;s highly recommended to rebuild the containers you need to use <a href="#Build-Re-build-Containers">see how you rebuild a container</a> in order to prevent as much errors as possible.</p>
<p>1 - Enter the laradock folder and rename <code>env-example</code> to <code>.env</code></p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">cp env-example .env
<p>You can edit the <code>.env</code> file to chose which software&rsquo;s you want to be installed in your environment. You can always refer to the <code>docker-compose.yml</code> file to see how those variables are been used.</p>
<p>2 - Build the enviroment and run it using <code>docker-compose</code></p>
<p>In this example we&rsquo;ll see how to run NGINX (web server) and MySQL (database engine) to host a PHP Web Scripts:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">docker-compose up -d nginx mysql
<p><strong>Note</strong>: The <code>workspace</code> and <code>php-fpm</code> will run automatically in most of the cases, so no need to specify them in the <code>up</code> command. If you couldn&rsquo;t find them running then you need specify them as follow: <code>docker-compose up -d nginx php-fpm mysql workspace</code>.</p>
<p>You can select your own combination of containers form <a href="">this list</a>.</p>
<p><em>(Please note that sometimes we forget to update the docs, so check the <code>docker-compose.yml</code> file to see an updated list of all available containers).</em></p>
3 - Enter the Workspace container, to execute commands like (Artisan, Composer, PHPUnit, Gulp, &hellip;)</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">docker-compose exec workspace bash
<p><em>Alternatively, for Windows PowerShell users: execute the following command to enter any running container:</em></p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">docker exec -it {workspace-container-id} bash
<p><strong>Note:</strong> You can add <code>--user=laradock</code> to have files created as your host&rsquo;s user. Example:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">docker-compose exec --user=laradock workspace bash
<p><em>You can change the PUID (User id) and PGID (group id) variables from the <code>.env</code> file)</em></p>
4 - Update your project configurations to use the database host</p>
<p>Open your PHP project&rsquo;s <code>.env</code> file or whichever configuration file you are reading from, and set the database host <code>DB_HOST</code> to <code>mysql</code>:</p>
<pre><code class="language-env">DB_HOST=mysql
<p><em>If you want to install Laravel as PHP project, see <a href="#Install-Laravel">How to Install Laravel in a Docker Container</a>.</em></p>
5 - Open your browser and visit your localhost address <code>http://localhost/</code>. If you followed the multiple projects setup, you can visit <code></code> and <code></code>. But first don&rsquo;t</p>
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<h1>Introduction </h1>
<p>A full PHP development environment for Docker.</p>
<p>Includes pre-packaged Docker Images, all pre-configured to provide a wonderful PHP development environment.</p>
<p>Laradock is well known in the Laravel community, as the project started with single focus on running Laravel projects on Docker. Later and due to the large adoption from the PHP community, it started supporting other PHP projects like Symfony, CodeIgniter, WordPress, Drupal…</p>
<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>
<h2 id="quick-overview">Quick Overview</h2>
<p>Let’s see how easy it is to install <code>NGINX</code>, <code>PHP</code>, <code>Composer</code>, <code>MySQL</code>, <code>Redis</code> and <code>Beanstalkd</code>:</p>
<p>1 - Clone Laradock inside your PHP project:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">git clone
<p>2 - Enter the laradock folder and rename <code>env-example</code> to <code>.env</code>.</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">cp env-example .env
<p>3 - Run your containers:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">docker-compose up -d nginx mysql redis beanstalkd
<p>4 - Open your project’s <code>.env</code> file and set the following:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">DB_HOST=mysql
<p>5 - Open your browser and visit localhost: <code>http://localhost</code>.</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">That's it! enjoy :)
<p><a name="features"></a></p>
<h2 id="features">Features</h2>
<li>Easy switch between PHP versions: 7.1, 7.0, 5.6…</li>
<li>Choose your favorite database engine: MySQL, Postgres, MariaDB…</li>
<li>Run your own combination of software: Memcached, HHVM, Beanstalkd…</li>
<li>Every software runs on a separate container: PHP-FPM, NGINX, PHP-CLI…</li>
<li>Easy to customize any container, with simple edit to the <code>Dockerfile</code>.</li>
<li>All Images extends from an official base Image. (Trusted base Images).</li>
<li>Pre-configured NGINX to host any code at your root directory.</li>
<li>Can use Laradock per project, or single Laradock for all projects.</li>
<li>Easy to install/remove software’s in Containers using environment variables.</li>
<li>Clean and well structured Dockerfiles (<code>Dockerfile</code>).</li>
<li>Latest version of the Docker Compose file (<code>docker-compose</code>).</li>
<li>Everything is visible and editable.</li>
<li>Fast Images Builds.</li>
<li>More to come every week..</li>
<p><a name="Supported-Containers"></a></p>
<h2 id="supported-software-images">Supported Software (Images)</h2>
<p>In adhering to the separation of concerns principle as promoted by Docker, Laradock runs each software on its own Container.
You can turn On/Off as many instances of as any container without worrying about the configurations, everything works like a charm.</p>
<li><strong>Database Engines:</strong>
MySQL - MariaDB - MongoDB - Neo4j - RethinkDB - MSSQL - PostgreSQL - Postgres Postgis.</li>
<li><strong>Cache Engines:</strong>
Redis - Memcached - Aerospike</li>
<li><strong>PHP Servers:</strong>
NGINX - Apache2 - Caddy</li>
<li><strong>PHP Compilers:</strong>
<li><strong>Message Queuing:</strong>
Beanstalkd - Beanstalkd Console - RabbitMQ - RabbitMQ Console - PHP Worker</li>
HAProxy - Jenkins - ElasticSearch - Selenium - Certbot - Mailhog - Minio - Varnish - PhpMyAdmin - Adminer - PgAdmin - MailHog…</li>
<p>Laradock introduces the <strong>Workspace</strong> Image, as a development environment.
It contains a rich set of helpful tools, all pre-configured to work and integrate with almost any combination of Containers and tools you may choose.</p>
<p><strong>Workspace Image Tools</strong>
PHP CLI - Composer - Git - Linuxbrew - Node - V8JS - Gulp - SQLite - xDebug - Envoy - Deployer - Vim - Yarn - SOAP - Drush…</p>
<p>You can choose, which tools to install in your workspace container and other containers, from the <code>.env</code> file.</p>
<p>If you modify <code>docker-compose.yml</code>, <code>.env</code> or any <code>dockerfile</code> file, you must re-build your containers, to see those effects in the running instance.</p>
<p>If you can’t find your Software in the list, build it yourself and sumit it. Contributions are welcomed :)</p>
<p><a name="what-is-docker"></a></p>
<h2 id="what-is-docker">What is Docker?</h2>
<p><a href="">Docker</a> is an open-source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers, by providing an additional layer of abstraction and automation of <a href="">operating-system-level virtualization</a> on Linux, Mac OS and Windows.</p>
<p><a name="why-docker-not-vagrant"></a></p>
<h2 id="why-docker-not-vagrant">Why Docker not Vagrant!?</h2>
<p><a href="">Vagrant</a> creates Virtual Machines in minutes while Docker creates Virtual Containers in seconds.</p>
<p>Instead of providing a full Virtual Machines, like you get with Vagrant, Docker provides you <strong>lightweight</strong> Virtual Containers, that share the same kernel and allow to safely execute independent processes.</p>
<p>In addition to the speed, Docker gives tons of features that cannot be achieved with Vagrant.</p>
<p>Most importantly Docker can run on Development and on Production (same environment everywhere). While Vagrant is designed for Development only, (so you have to re-provision your server on Production every time).</p>
<p><a name="Demo"></a></p>
<h2 id="demo-video">Demo Video</h2>
<p>What’s better than a <strong>Demo Video</strong>:</p>
<li>Laradock v5.* (soon or never)</li>
<li>Laradock <a href="">v4.*</a></li>
<li>Laradock <a href="">v2.*</a></li>
<li>Laradock <a href="">v0.3</a></li>
<li>Laradock <a href="">v0.1</a></li>
<p><a name="Chat"></a></p>
<h2 id="chat-with-us">Chat with us</h2>
<p>You are welcome to join our chat room on Gitter.</p>
<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Gitter" /></a></p>
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<title>Introductions on Laradock</title>
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<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<p>A full PHP development environment for Docker.</p>
<p>Includes pre-packaged Docker Images, all pre-configured to provide a wonderful PHP development environment.</p>
<p>Laradock is well known in the Laravel community, as the project started with single focus on running Laravel projects on Docker. Later and due to the large adoption from the PHP community, it started supporting other PHP projects like Symfony, CodeIgniter, WordPress, Drupal&hellip;</p>
<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>
<h2 id="quick-overview">Quick Overview</h2>
<p>Let&rsquo;s see how easy it is to install <code>NGINX</code>, <code>PHP</code>, <code>Composer</code>, <code>MySQL</code>, <code>Redis</code> and <code>Beanstalkd</code>:</p>
<p>1 - Clone Laradock inside your PHP project:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">git clone
<p>2 - Enter the laradock folder and rename <code>env-example</code> to <code>.env</code>.</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">cp env-example .env
<p>3 - Run your containers:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">docker-compose up -d nginx mysql redis beanstalkd
<p>4 - Open your project&rsquo;s <code>.env</code> file and set the following:</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">DB_HOST=mysql
<p>5 - Open your browser and visit localhost: <code>http://localhost</code>.</p>
<pre><code class="language-shell">That's it! enjoy :)
<p><a name="features"></a></p>
<h2 id="features">Features</h2>
<li>Easy switch between PHP versions: 7.1, 7.0, 5.6&hellip;</li>
<li>Choose your favorite database engine: MySQL, Postgres, MariaDB&hellip;</li>
<li>Run your own combination of software: Memcached, HHVM, Beanstalkd&hellip;</li>
<li>Every software runs on a separate container: PHP-FPM, NGINX, PHP-CLI&hellip;</li>
<li>Easy to customize any container, with simple edit to the <code>Dockerfile</code>.</li>
<li>All Images extends from an official base Image. (Trusted base Images).</li>
<li>Pre-configured NGINX to host any code at your root directory.</li>
<li>Can use Laradock per project, or single Laradock for all projects.</li>
<li>Easy to install/remove software&rsquo;s in Containers using environment variables.</li>
<li>Clean and well structured Dockerfiles (<code>Dockerfile</code>).</li>
<li>Latest version of the Docker Compose file (<code>docker-compose</code>).</li>
<li>Everything is visible and editable.</li>
<li>Fast Images Builds.</li>
<li>More to come every week..</li>
<p><a name="Supported-Containers"></a></p>
<h2 id="supported-software-images">Supported Software (Images)</h2>
<p>In adhering to the separation of concerns principle as promoted by Docker, Laradock runs each software on its own Container.
You can turn On/Off as many instances of as any container without worrying about the configurations, everything works like a charm.</p>
<li><strong>Database Engines:</strong>
MySQL - MariaDB - MongoDB - Neo4j - RethinkDB - MSSQL - PostgreSQL - Postgres Postgis.</li>
<li><strong>Cache Engines:</strong>
Redis - Memcached - Aerospike</li>
<li><strong>PHP Servers:</strong>
NGINX - Apache2 - Caddy</li>
<li><strong>PHP Compilers:</strong>
<li><strong>Message Queuing:</strong>
Beanstalkd - Beanstalkd Console - RabbitMQ - RabbitMQ Console - PHP Worker</li>
HAProxy - Jenkins - ElasticSearch - Selenium - Certbot - Mailhog - Minio - Varnish - PhpMyAdmin - Adminer - PgAdmin - MailHog&hellip;</li>
<p>Laradock introduces the <strong>Workspace</strong> Image, as a development environment.
It contains a rich set of helpful tools, all pre-configured to work and integrate with almost any combination of Containers and tools you may choose.</p>
<p><strong>Workspace Image Tools</strong>
PHP CLI - Composer - Git - Linuxbrew - Node - V8JS - Gulp - SQLite - xDebug - Envoy - Deployer - Vim - Yarn - SOAP - Drush&hellip;</p>
<p>You can choose, which tools to install in your workspace container and other containers, from the <code>.env</code> file.</p>
<p>If you modify <code>docker-compose.yml</code>, <code>.env</code> or any <code>dockerfile</code> file, you must re-build your containers, to see those effects in the running instance.</p>
<p>If you can&rsquo;t find your Software in the list, build it yourself and sumit it. Contributions are welcomed :)</p>
<p><a name="what-is-docker"></a></p>
<h2 id="what-is-docker">What is Docker?</h2>
<p><a href="">Docker</a> is an open-source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers, by providing an additional layer of abstraction and automation of <a href="">operating-system-level virtualization</a> on Linux, Mac OS and Windows.</p>
<p><a name="why-docker-not-vagrant"></a></p>
<h2 id="why-docker-not-vagrant">Why Docker not Vagrant!?</h2>
<p><a href="">Vagrant</a> creates Virtual Machines in minutes while Docker creates Virtual Containers in seconds.</p>
<p>Instead of providing a full Virtual Machines, like you get with Vagrant, Docker provides you <strong>lightweight</strong> Virtual Containers, that share the same kernel and allow to safely execute independent processes.</p>
<p>In addition to the speed, Docker gives tons of features that cannot be achieved with Vagrant.</p>
<p>Most importantly Docker can run on Development and on Production (same environment everywhere). While Vagrant is designed for Development only, (so you have to re-provision your server on Production every time).</p>
<p><a name="Demo"></a></p>
<h2 id="demo-video">Demo Video</h2>
<p>What&rsquo;s better than a <strong>Demo Video</strong>:</p>
<li>Laradock v5.* (soon or never)</li>
<li>Laradock <a href="">v4.*</a></li>
<li>Laradock <a href="">v2.*</a></li>
<li>Laradock <a href="">v0.3</a></li>
<li>Laradock <a href="">v0.1</a></li>
<p><a name="Chat"></a></p>
<h2 id="chat-with-us">Chat with us</h2>
<p>You are welcome to join our chat room on Gitter.</p>
<p><a href=";utm_medium=badge&amp;utm_campaign=pr-badge"><img src="" alt="Gitter" /></a></p>
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<h1>License </h1>
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<h1>Related Projects </h1>
<p>Laradock related projects:</p>
<li><a href="">Laradock CLI</a> by <a href="">LorinLee</a></li>
<li><a href="">Laradock Env</a> by <a href="">BAGArt</a></li>
<li><a href="">Klaradock</a> by <a href="">Kim Hsiao</a></li>
<li><a href="">Ansible Laradock Kubernetes</a> by <a href="">Sifat Rahim</a>
These Docker Compose projects have piqued our interest:</li>
<li><a href="">MageDock</a> by <a href="">Ujjwal Ojha</a></li>
<li><a href="">RubyDev-Dock</a> by <a href="">Diogo Scudelletti</a></li>
<li><a href="">NoDock</a> by <a href="">Osedea</a></li>
<p>If you want your project listed here, please open an issue.</p>
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<title>Related Projects</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description><p>Laradock related projects:</p>
<li><a href="">Laradock CLI</a> by <a href="">LorinLee</a></li>
<li><a href="">Laradock Env</a> by <a href="">BAGArt</a></li>
<li><a href="">Klaradock</a> by <a href="">Kim Hsiao</a></li>
<li><a href="">Ansible Laradock Kubernetes</a> by <a href="">Sifat Rahim</a>
These Docker Compose projects have piqued our interest:</li>
<li><a href="">MageDock</a> by <a href="">Ujjwal Ojha</a></li>
<li><a href="">RubyDev-Dock</a> by <a href="">Diogo Scudelletti</a></li>
<li><a href="">NoDock</a> by <a href="">Osedea</a></li>
<p>If you want your project listed here, please open an issue.</p>
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