When spinning up the stack via `docker-compose -d apache2 elasticsearch kibana` Kibana won't work currently and displays "kibana is not ready yet". `docker-compose logs kibana` the message:
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2019-11-14T15:46:37Z","tags":["status","plugin:reporting@6.6.0","error"],"pid":1,"state":"red","message":"Status changed from uninitialized to red - This version of Kibana requires Elasticsearch v6.6.0 on all nodes. I found the following incompatible nodes in your cluster: v7.1.1 @ (","prevState":"uninitialized","prevMsg":"uninitialized"}
I update the version to align with elasticsearchs' version which works fine on my machine.
Elastic.co announced they will pull out their official images from the Docker Registry and user their own. There will be no updates starting 6/20/2017.
Pulling needs explicit version. Currently 5.4.1