1. Create your .env file in the root of the compose instance. You can copy the [.env from this repository](https://git.jeroened.be/webcron/docker/src/branch/main/.env) and adapt to your config.
Alternatively you can can assign the environment vars in the directly in the compose file. It's up to you what is easier for you.
2. Create your docker-compose file. You can copy the example config from [this repository](https://git.jeroened.be/webcron/docker/src/branch/main/docker-compose.yml).
5. Webcron management is available on http://localhost/
## Option 1: 2 Containers (Recommended)
1. Create your .env file in the root of the compose instance. You can copy the [.env from this repository](https://git.jeroened.be/webcron/docker/src/branch/main/.env) and adapt to your config.
Alternatively you can can assign the environment vars in the directly in the compose file. It's up to you what is easier for you.
2. Create your docker-compose file. You can copy the example config from [this repository](https://git.jeroened.be/webcron/docker/src/branch/main/docker-compose.separate.yml).