libpairtwo/doc/0. Getting
2019-04-25 14:14:40 +02:00

2.0 KiB

Getting started

Installing Libpairtwo

You can easily start using libpairtwo by installing it via composer

$ composer install JeroenED/libpairtwo

In you initialization code add the vendor/autoload.php


Reading out a sws-file

Reading out a sws-file is very simple. Just call the Sws::ReadSws() method.

$sws = JeroenED\Libpairtwo\Sws::ReadSws("Clubcompetition.sws");

This will return a usable object for reaching out for results, rankings, etc.

Getting methods of the class

I didn't want to add the generated phpdoc in this library simply because it is generated.

The command to generate it yourself is just $ phpdoc. This will generate the docs in the doc/api folder.


Getting results of a tournament


use JeroenED\Libpairtwo\Sws;
$sws = Sws::ReadSws("Clubcompetition.sws");

$tournament = $sws->getTournament();
$calendar = $tournament->getRounds();
$roundNo = 1;
foreach ($calendar as $round) {
    echo "Ronde: " . $roundNo . ' (' . $round->getDate()->format('Y/m/d') . PHP_EOL . ')'; $roundNo++;
    foreach($round->getGames() as $game) {
        if (!is_null($game->getResult())) {
            echo (is_null($game->getWhite())) ? "bye" : $game->getWhite()->getPlayer()->getName();
            echo " " . $game->getResult()->getValue() . " ";
            echo (is_null($game->getBlack())) ? "bye" : $game->getBlack()->getPlayer()->getName();
            echo PHP_EOL;
    echo PHP_EOL;

Getting rankings of the tournament


use JeroenED\Libpairtwo\Sws;
$sws = Sws::ReadSws("Clubcompetition.sws");

$tournament = $sws->getTournament();
$rankings = $tournament->getRanking();
$rankingNo = 1;
foreach ($rankings as $ranking) {
    echo $rankingNo . '. ' . $ranking->getTitle()->getKey() . ' ' . $ranking->getName() . '(' . $ranking->getPoints() . '/' . $tournament->getNoOfRounds() . ')' . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;