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title: Atom Text Editor
keywords: atom, text editor,
last_updated: March 20, 2016
summary: "Atom is a free text editor that is a favorite tool of many writers because it is free. This page provides some tips for using Atom."
sidebar: mydoc_sidebar
permalink: mydoc_atom_text_editor.html
folder: mydoc
If you haven't downloaded [Atom](, download and install it. Use this as your editor when working with Jekyll. The syntax highlighting is probably the best among the available editors, as it was designed with Jekyll-authoring in mind. However, if you prefer Sublime Text, WebStorm, or some other editor, you can also use that.
Customize the invisibles and tab spacing in Atom:
1. Go to **Atom > Preferences**.
2. On the **Settings** tab, keep the default options but also select the following:
* **Show Invisibles**
* **Soft Wrap**
* For the **Tab Length**, type **4**.
* For the **Tab Type**, select **soft**.
Turn off auto-complete:
1. Go to **Atom > Preferences**.
2. Click the **Packages** tab.
3. Search for **autocomplete-plus**.
4. Disable the autocomplete package.
### Atom Shortcuts
* **Cmd + T**: Find file
* **Cmd + Shift + F**: Find across project
* **Cmd + Alt + S**: Save all
(For Windows, replace "Cmd" with "Ctrl".)