2017-02-22 15:58:06 -05:00

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Getting Started index 2



Choose the setup the best suits your needs.

A) Setup for Single Project:

(In case you want a Docker environment for each project)

A.1) Setup environment in existing Project:

(In case you already have a project, and you want to setup an environment to run it)

1 - Clone this repository on your project root directory:

git submodule add https://github.com/Laradock/laradock.git

Note 1: If you are not yet using Git for your PHP project, you can use git clone https://github.com/Laradock/laradock.git instead.

Note 2: To keep track of your LaraDock changes, between your projects and also keep LaraDock updated. Check this

Note 3: In this case the folder structure will be like this:

- project1
	- laradock
- project2
	- laradock
A.2) Setup environment first then create project:

(In case you don't have a project, and you want to create your project inside the Docker environment)

1 - Clone this repository anywhere on your machine:

git clone https://github.com/laradock/laradock.git

Note: In this case the folder structure will be like this:

- projects
	- laradock
	- myProject

2 - Edit the docker-compose.yml file to map to your project directory once you have it (example: - ../myProject:/var/www).

3 - Stop and re-run your docker-compose command for the changes to take place.

docker-compose stop && docker-compose up -d XXXX YYYY ZZZZ ....

B) Setup for Multiple Projects:

1 - Clone this repository anywhere on your machine:

git clone https://github.com/laradock/laradock.git

2 - Edit the docker-compose.yml file to map to your projects directories:

        image: tianon/true
            - ../project1/:/var/www/project1
            - ../project2/:/var/www/project2

3 - You can access all sites by visiting http://localhost/project1/public and http://localhost/project2/public but of course that's not very useful so let's setup NGINX quickly.

4 - Go to nginx/sites and copy sample.conf.example to project1.conf then to project2.conf

5 - Open the project1.conf file and edit the server_name and the root as follow:

    server_name project1.dev;
    root /var/www/project1/public;

Do the same for each project project2.conf, project3.conf,...

6 - Add the domains to the hosts files.  project1.dev

7 - Create your project Databases. Right now you have to do it manually by entering your DB container, until we automate it soon.


Read Before starting:

If you are using Docker Toolbox (VM), do one of the following:

Warning: If you used an older version of LaraDock it's highly recommended to rebuild the containers you need to use see how you rebuild a container in order to prevent errors as much as possible.

1 - Run Containers: (Make sure you are in the laradock folder before running the docker-compose commands).

Example: Running NGINX and MySQL:

docker-compose up -d nginx mysql

Note: The workspace and php-fpm will run automatically in most of the cases, so no need to specify them in the up command. If you couldn't find them running then you need specify them as follow: docker-compose up -d nginx php-fpm mysql workspace.

You can select your own combination of Containers form the list below:

nginx, hhvm, php-fpm, mysql, redis, postgres, mariadb, neo4j, mongo, apache2, caddy, memcached, beanstalkd, beanstalkd-console, rabbitmq, workspace, phpmyadmin, aerospike, pgadmin, elasticsearch, rethinkdb.

2 - Enter the Workspace container, to execute commands like (Artisan, Composer, PHPUnit, Gulp, ...).
docker-compose exec workspace bash

Alternatively, for Windows PowerShell users: execute the following command to enter any running container:

docker exec -it {workspace-container-id} bash

Note: You can add --user=laradock (example docker-compose exec --user=laradock workspace bash) to have files created as your host's user. (you can change the PUID (User id) and PGID (group id) variables from the docker-compose.yml).

3 - Edit your project configurations.

Open your .env file and set the DB_HOST to mysql:


If you want to use Laravel and you don't have it installed yet, see How to Install Laravel in a Docker Container.

4 - Open your browser and visit your localhost address (`http://localhost/`).
**Debugging**: if you are facing any problem here check the [Debugging](#debugging) section.

If you need a special support. Contact me, more details in the Help & Questions section.